If he legit wanted to kill Kidd, he could just pull out a gun and shoot him like Roux did to that bandit, cut him in half or cut his head off too.
A lot of people don't understand that.
Mr Top 1 himself, stronger than Mihawk/Kaido/Xebec/Roger whoever couldnt kill someone they call overrated/fodder and not deserving of 3 billion and hard carried by Law? Make it make sense.
Shanks never killed anyone onscreen, his crew will but he seems averse to it himself, its weird. its almost like the Batman approach, he wont kill you but he will fuck you up and let you die, he won't save you.
At least Pre TS Shanks would probably save him too and try to knock some sense into him, discipline and educate him, make him see the error of his ways and become a better person too. I would say current Shanks but with Odas current writing, I doubt it.
Look at how much a positive influence Shanks was on Luffy ofc.
Just dont look at what he did and didnt do for Uta though and what happened with her.
Theres also this:
Deadbeat Dad Pirates. Will of Deadbeats.
Just like Roger and Oden, Shanks abandons his own loved ones/children and then encouraged Yasopp to do the same.
How honourable.
In before they're pirates hurr durr, its their right/freedom, they are "based sigma males" who don't need to be tied down or raise kids or w/e as some people have said unironically about them.
Fuck man I regret ever being a Shanks fan especially.