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One Piece Chapter 1126: “Shanks, the Rat King Exposed!”

The chapter opens with Eustass Kid—now resurrected as Jika the Damned One—storming the Red Force, riding a massive mecha sea king while wearing sunglasses because being dead apparently gave him swag. His first line: “I heard someone here was ratting on me!”

Shanks, who’s been nursing a mysterious toothache for the past 300 chapters, drops his usual stoic expression as Jika casually pulls out a giant mousetrap with “Shanks” written on it in bold, red letters. The Red-Haired Pirates panic, but instead of fighting, they start gnawing on cheese as the Holy Knights of the World Government reveal their true forms: actual rats in pirate costumes.

Shanks tries to monologue, but it's revealed his entire history was a lie—he’s been working for the World Government since he was a kid, literally hiding beneath the tables of the Gorosei meetings, passing notes to Imu, and snitching on pirates. “Snitches get stitches,” Jika declares before laying down a well-timed thunder attack that leaves Shanks with two black eyes, perfectly in the shape of rat tails.

Garling Figarland, now officially promoted to the top World Government Elder, senses an intense disappointment all the way from the Holy Land. He’s shown facepalming so hard it cracks the table. “I replaced Saturn for this?” Meanwhile, Imu, sitting on his creepy shadow throne, watches in disbelief as the supposedly powerful Red-Haired Pirates are crammed into small cages by Jika and shipped express delivery to Mary Geoise.

Shanks, bloodied and humiliated, mutters, “I was just trying to keep the balance…” But Jika, twirling his metal arm, snorts, “The only balance here is between you and that mousetrap.”

Cut to the Gorosei room, where Imu is busy simping over a portrait of Lily, too distracted to care about the chaos outside. But as Shanks and his crew are launched into the room by a massive cannonball courtesy of Jika, Imu finally stirs, his gaze dark and furious. He stands, voice booming, “Who dares disrupt my Lily time!?”

The chapter ends on a cliffhanger as Shanks, sitting in a cage, looks up in terror at Imu, knowing his secret has been laid bare, his pirate career over in the most embarrassing way possible.

Next chapter hint: “A cheesy reunion awaits.”
True but Kidd's still an asshole
Kid is a piece of shit but this scene still feels forced nonetheless, especially when 3 chapters before Killer told Kid each of the pirate crew working for Shanks were known and feared :

Then all of sudden they became a bunch of weaklings Kid was preying on when it was the time to make Shanks look good.