Kizaruber Eats

"To live, would be an awfully grand adventure."
IMO One Piece has been going downhill ever since Pedro exploded.

Wano needed at least 5 Pedro explosions to be a good arc /s

**Setting: The enigmatic island, home to the brilliant Dr. Vegapunk, "Egghead"**

Pedro, believed to have passed on, confidently strides into the spotlight. A grin splits his face from ear to ear, his arms crossed over his chest, eyes ablaze with a new spark of life. "Feels like forever, doesn't it?" he chuckles.

Kizaru, who had been nonchalantly lounging nearby, springs to his feet, his eyes widening in shock. "Pedro? But... You're supposed to be no more!"

The mink merely laughs, "Well, ever heard about cats and their nine lives?"

Saturn, the Gorosei member known for his dreadlocks, hat, and cane, grumbles from his towering desk, his face shrouded in suspicion. "What brings you back from the dead, 'Lucky Cat'?" he goads.

Pedro's smirk grows wider. "Just thought I'd stir up a little chaos." Uncrossing his arms, he transforms in a brilliant flash into a massive, fiery beast - Explodia, The Blasted One.

The Drums of Detonation resounds throughout Egghead, each beat thundering ominously. "Let's get this show on the road," Pedro roars, hurling himself towards the 100 ship fleet that had just moored. With each swing of his massive arms, he self-destructs and then reforms, causing pandemonium amongst the marines.

Amidst the chaos, a small figure stands in stunned silence. It's Carrot, her eyes wide with terror, yet tinged with a spark of fascination. "Explodia! It's not possible! Nobody's been able to escape him!" she exclaims, traumatized yet strangely mesmerized by Pedro's continuous cycle of self-destruction.

An aftershock from one of Pedro's explosions sends her tumbling back, but she stays, eyes glued to the spectacle as the "Eternal Mink" takes on the Marine might.

She can't help but cheer, "Go Pedro!" completely caught up in the cyclone that is Pedro's triumphant return. Pedro, meanwhile, continues his explosive dance, each time reassembling himself and ready for the next wave of attack, all the while grinning like a cat that got into the catnip.

The display of the 'dead' mink's return, detonating repeatedly, is a spectacle of determination, resilience, and one hell of a firework show.

**The Straw Hat Pirates are in the heat of a fierce battle** with the imposing Aesopp D Loki, a pirate of potent power, with an unsettling ability to warp reality with the aid of his Fable Fable Fruit. The beloved Straw Hats are teetering on the brink of defeat, their bodies marred and worn. Among them, Carrot and the remainder of the crew stand, exhausted and wounded.

**CARROT**: *She pants, every breath a struggle.* We can't keep this up much longer! Loki's powers are too strong!

**LUFFY**: *A grin stretches across his face.* Don't give up, Carrot! We'll find a way to beat him!

Suddenly, a familiar silhouette materializes in the distance. Emerging from the mists of seemingly impossible circumstances is **PEDRO**, the erstwhile captain of the Nox Pirates, once thought to have sacrificed his life for the Straw Hats during their clash with Big Mom.

**PEDRO**: *A smile dances on his lips.* Hello, my friends.

**NAMI**: *Surprise flickers in her eyes.* Pedro! But we saw you die...

**PEDRO**: *He bursts into hearty laughter.* It takes more than a little explosion to kill a warrior of the minks. I was saved by the Will of P, just like Pell, Pagaya, Pound, and Perospero.

**LUFFY**: *Excitement ignites in his eyes.* That's awesome, Pedro! But we need your help now. Loki is too strong for us to handle.

**PEDRO**: *His expression turns grave.* I understand. That's why I ate the Dynamite Dynamite Fruit.

**CARROT**: *Her eyes widen in shock.* The what?!

**PEDRO**: *His grin resurfaces.* With this power, I can blow myself up like a living bomb. And I'll use it to defeat Loki and save everyone.

**LUFFY**: *He nods, determination burning in his gaze.* We'll back you up, Pedro! Let's show him the power of the Straw Hats and the minks!

As Luffy's voice rings out, Pedro dashes towards Loki, his body radiating an explosive aura. He springs into the air and detonates, enshrouding the battlefield in a shroud of blinding light and thunderous sound.

Once the dust settles and the smoke clears, Loki is discovered sprawled on the ground, defeated.

**LUFFY**: *He throws his head back, letting loose a cheer.* We did it! We beat him!

**CARROT**: *Tears well up in her eyes as she hugs Pedro's charred remains.* Thank you, Pedro. You saved us all.

**PEDRO**: *His voice is barely a whisper, teetering on the edge of consciousness.* It was my honor, Carrot. I'm glad I could be of service to the Straw Hat crew and the minks.

As Pedro's charred figure fades away, Luffy and the crew celebrate their victory. However, as if echoing from the heavens, Pedro's laughter reverberates across the battlefield. Suddenly, in a flash of explosive energy, Pedro appears again, fully restored and even more energetic than before.
**PEDRO:** *Laughs heartily.* Well, let's do it again, shall we?

**CARROT:** *Stares in horror.* Wait, what?!

Before anyone can react, Pedro charges headfirst into a leftover contingent of Loki's minions, detonating himself in a spectacular explosion.

**PEDRO:** *Appearing once again, dusting off his charred clothes.* Ah, that felt good!

**CARROT:** *Shaking with fear and disbelief.* Not again!

Luffy can't contain his laughter as Pedro readies himself for yet another explosion. The crew watches in a bizarre mix of awe and horror as Pedro repeats this process over and over again.

**PEDRO:** *Prepares to explode again.* Don't worry, Carrot. Practice makes perfect!

**CARROT:** *Near tears.* But why, Pedro?! Why?!

Pedro simply winks and smiles at Carrot, charging once again into a group of enemies and resulting in a grand explosion. The cycle continues, Pedro laughing each time as he detonates himself, reducing the opposition to rubble, and reappearing fully restored. Meanwhile, Carrot grows more and more traumatized with each repetition, her reactions ranging from horror to despair to outright confusion.

**CARROT:** *Whimpers.* How many more times, Pedro?! How many?!

**LUFFY:** *Still laughing, unable to help himself.* Pedro, you're the best!

As the laughter, explosions, and traumatizing cycles continue, Pedro's constant detonations soon become the stuff of legends, a bizarre spectacle known throughout the seas as the Eternal Explosions of Pedro, the Never-Ending Firework.


Also I made a successor of that post or something! A remaster?:

Title: One Piece: Explosive Liberation! Pedro's Unstoppable Chaos

Scene: Egghead Island – The Ultimate Showdown

The camera zooms in on Egghead Island, buzzing with futuristic technology. Inside Vegapunk's lab, explosions erupt in every direction as the Straw Hats prepare for their most outrageous battle against the Gorosei, who stand in their beastly forms.

The lab is a cacophony of whirring machinery and the sound of Pedro’s self-detonations. Carrot watches in a mix of horror and fascination as Pedro explodes yet again.

Carrot (wide-eyed, clutching her ears):
“Pedro! Can you please try not to self-destruct every five seconds? I can't handle the trauma from this! I might need therapy!”

Pedro (smirking, floating mid-explosion):
“For the Mink Tribe! And a little chaos never hurt anyone!”

As another explosion detonates, Kizaru gets blasted yet again, his body disintegrating into light before reforming coolly, shades perfectly intact.

Kizaru (sighing, brushing off dust):
“This is worse than facing Akainu. I thought my regeneration was something special, but this? It’s like I’m stuck in a low-budget comedy!”

Suddenly, Vegapunk Stella's body, a dark silhouette smothered in soot and gunpowder, bounces wildly around the lab. He ricochets off walls and lab equipment, creating comical sound effects—“ping,” “pow,” “thwack”—as he spins uncontrollably.

Vegapunk Stella (deadpan, spinning):
“Remind me to install a self-cleaning feature next time. Or maybe a safety harness... and a helmet for all this debris!”

As the chaos unfolds, the Gorosei appear, transformed into their mythical beast forms:

Saint Jaygarcia Saturn: A fearsome ox-spider hybrid with venomous fangs.
Saint Marcus Mars: An eerie bird with a human face, eyes glowing ominously.
Saint Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro: A grotesque skeletal horse, radiating malice.
Saint Topman Warcury: A massive boar, tusks gleaming like blades.
Saint Shepherd Ju Peter: A colossal sandworm, burrowing beneath the lab and shaking the ground.

Jaygarcia Saturn (roaring, the sound reverberating through the chaos):
“You think you can defeat us, miserable pests? We are the supreme authority of this world!”

Marcus Mars (mockingly, flapping his wings):
“Even in your wildest dreams, you couldn’t comprehend our power! Prepare to be annihilated!”

As the Gorosei boast, Zoro steps forward, his swords gleaming under the lab's flickering lights.

Zoro (grinning):
“An ox-spider and a skeletal horse? I’ve fought scarier things in a sushi bar! Bring it on!”

He charges at Nusjuro, slashing through the air with expert precision. Nusjuro snarls and lunges at Zoro, but Zoro dances around him with ease.

Nusjuro (furious, eyes narrowing):
“Fool! I am the embodiment of death! You will regret ever stepping foot here!”

Zoro (smirking):
“Yeah, well, you’re making this fight boring. I expected more from the Gorosei.”

Just then, Atlas, the female Vegapunk clone, leaps in to assist Zoro.

Atlas (determined, charging fiercely):
“I’ll help you, Zoro! Together, we can take them down!”

Before she can finish, she attempts to self-destruct in a heroic act, but just then, Pedro explodes again, creating chaos.

Pedro (yelling):
“Not on my watch!”

The blast sends Vegapunk Stella’s body flying through the air, bouncing between Atlas and Zoro in a slapstick moment.

Atlas (barely dodging Stella):
“Is this a fight or a circus act?!”

As the battle escalates, Pedro, now in a rhythm of detonation, continues to blow himself up, taking out Kizaru repeatedly in the process.

Kizaru (after reforming yet again, exasperated):
“I’d rather deal with a Celestial Dragon than this madness!”

The explosions send Vegapunk Stella careening off the walls, creating chaotic visuals as he spins and flies around.

Carrot (laughing in disbelief):
“Hey, look! It’s Vegapunk’s pinball! Is he trying to scare us or entertain us?”

As the chaos continues, Zoro successfully lands a blow, sending Nusjuro flying, but he quickly recovers and lunges at Zoro again.

Nusjuro (furious):
“You think you can defeat me so easily?! You will regret ever stepping foot here!”

Zoro (calmly):
“Yeah, well, you missed the memo. I’m the guy who sends death packing!”

The ground shakes as the other Gorosei join the fray, unleashing devastating attacks.

The tension builds as the Gorosei summon their powers, the room shaking as they prepare to unleash their ultimate attacks.

Jaygarcia Saturn (grinning maliciously):
“Prepare to meet your end!”

Marcus Mars (mockingly):
“Your hope is futile, mice! You will be squashed!”

But just as the Gorosei are about to launch their assault, Pedro suddenly appears, glowing with energy.

Pedro (yelling):
“This is for all the fallen Minks!”

He explodes in an enormous blast, engulfing the Gorosei. The force breaks through the lab's barriers, creating a shockwave that echoes through the island. Vegapunk’s body continues to spin around, hilariously ricocheting off the walls like a cartoon character.

As the dust settles, the remnants of the Gorosei are strewn everywhere, with no sign of their legendary regeneration. The lab is in ruins, but the Straw Hats are safe.

Zoro (panting, looking around):
“Did we actually win?”

Carrot (wide-eyed, still in shock):
“I can’t believe it… Did we really just blow them up?!”

Suddenly, Pedro appears, a victorious grin plastered on his face, albeit covered in debris.

Pedro (proudly):
“They’re gone! Finally!”

Just then, Pedro launches himself into the air and heads straight for Imu, who has been observing from afar.

Imu (freaking out, wide-eyed):
“W-WHAT?! What is happening?!”

Pedro (yelling as he flies):
“Imu! Your tyranny ends here!”

The camera follows Pedro as he zooms toward Imu, a fiery explosion trailing behind him.

In an epic moment, Pedro detonates himself again, creating an explosion so grand it lights up the entire sky, obliterating Imu once and for all.

As the chaos subsides, the Straw Hats gather, and the camera shifts to Kuma and Bonney, who find each other amid the wreckage.

Bonney (crying tears of joy):
“Dad! You’re back!”

Kuma (smiling gently):
“We can finally be together again.”

They embrace, and the surrounding fighters share in the relief of victory. The camera pans back to Pedro, who is still trying to catch his breath after the monumental blast.

Pedro (glancing at Carrot):
“I might have overdone it a bit, huh?”

Carrot (rolling her eyes):
“You think?! I’m going to need therapy after this!”

The camera zooms out to show Egghead Island, now peaceful again, albeit in ruins. The Straw Hats gather, looking forward to new adventures.

Zoro (looking at the horizon):
“Let’s set sail. There’s still a world out there to explore.”

Pedro (grinning):
“After this, I might just take a vacation from explosions!”

As they prepare to leave, Vegapunk’s voice echoes through the lab, full of exhaustion but humor.

Vegapunk Stella (finally stopping his spinning):
“Next time, let’s plan for fewer explosions… and maybe more snacks?”

The scene fades out, leaving behind a sense of chaos and triumph, the spirit of adventure alive on Egghead Island.
Post automatically merged:

Why have i never realized that Dragon and Zebeck look very similar?!?!? If we take Dragon without the tattoo and turn a blind eye to the hair. WTF.

Right?! I wonder if its really coincidence too, given how much Oda is holding back Dragon, Dragon being seen as the "worlds worst criminal/most wanted man" and Xebec having a similar legacy/role too but as a pirate instead? Both of them are directly the biggest threats to the WG, even beyond Roger as the Pirate King apparently? (I mean Xebec being a bigger threat than Roger ofc)

Just what the hell is Oda cooking here?! The fact we barely know anything on Xebec and Dragon and we've seen neither of them fight nor do anything and Xebec has yet to be fully revealed....

i looking for kirabazu east..anyone seen him????..

Whats up man?

Last edited:

Also I made a successor of that post or something! A remaster?:

Title: One Piece: Explosive Liberation! Pedro's Unstoppable Chaos

Scene: Egghead Island – The Ultimate Showdown

The camera zooms in on Egghead Island, buzzing with futuristic technology. Inside Vegapunk's lab, explosions erupt in every direction as the Straw Hats prepare for their most outrageous battle against the Gorosei, who stand in their beastly forms.

The lab is a cacophony of whirring machinery and the sound of Pedro’s self-detonations. Carrot watches in a mix of horror and fascination as Pedro explodes yet again.

Carrot (wide-eyed, clutching her ears):
“Pedro! Can you please try not to self-destruct every five seconds? I can't handle the trauma from this! I might need therapy!”

Pedro (smirking, floating mid-explosion):
“For the Mink Tribe! And a little chaos never hurt anyone!”

As another explosion detonates, Kizaru gets blasted yet again, his body disintegrating into light before reforming coolly, shades perfectly intact.

Kizaru (sighing, brushing off dust):
“This is worse than facing Akainu. I thought my regeneration was something special, but this? It’s like I’m stuck in a low-budget comedy!”

Suddenly, Vegapunk Stella's body, a dark silhouette smothered in soot and gunpowder, bounces wildly around the lab. He ricochets off walls and lab equipment, creating comical sound effects—“ping,” “pow,” “thwack”—as he spins uncontrollably.

Vegapunk Stella (deadpan, spinning):
“Remind me to install a self-cleaning feature next time. Or maybe a safety harness... and a helmet for all this debris!”

As the chaos unfolds, the Gorosei appear, transformed into their mythical beast forms:

Saint Jaygarcia Saturn: A fearsome ox-spider hybrid with venomous fangs.
Saint Marcus Mars: An eerie bird with a human face, eyes glowing ominously.
Saint Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro: A grotesque skeletal horse, radiating malice.
Saint Topman Warcury: A massive boar, tusks gleaming like blades.
Saint Shepherd Ju Peter: A colossal sandworm, burrowing beneath the lab and shaking the ground.

Jaygarcia Saturn (roaring, the sound reverberating through the chaos):
“You think you can defeat us, miserable pests? We are the supreme authority of this world!”

Marcus Mars (mockingly, flapping his wings):
“Even in your wildest dreams, you couldn’t comprehend our power! Prepare to be annihilated!”

As the Gorosei boast, Zoro steps forward, his swords gleaming under the lab's flickering lights.

Zoro (grinning):
“An ox-spider and a skeletal horse? I’ve fought scarier things in a sushi bar! Bring it on!”

He charges at Nusjuro, slashing through the air with expert precision. Nusjuro snarls and lunges at Zoro, but Zoro dances around him with ease.

Nusjuro (furious, eyes narrowing):
“Fool! I am the embodiment of death! You will regret ever stepping foot here!”

Zoro (smirking):
“Yeah, well, you’re making this fight boring. I expected more from the Gorosei.”

Just then, Atlas, the female Vegapunk clone, leaps in to assist Zoro.

Atlas (determined, charging fiercely):
“I’ll help you, Zoro! Together, we can take them down!”

Before she can finish, she attempts to self-destruct in a heroic act, but just then, Pedro explodes again, creating chaos.

Pedro (yelling):
“Not on my watch!”

The blast sends Vegapunk Stella’s body flying through the air, bouncing between Atlas and Zoro in a slapstick moment.

Atlas (barely dodging Stella):
“Is this a fight or a circus act?!”

As the battle escalates, Pedro, now in a rhythm of detonation, continues to blow himself up, taking out Kizaru repeatedly in the process.

Kizaru (after reforming yet again, exasperated):
“I’d rather deal with a Celestial Dragon than this madness!”

The explosions send Vegapunk Stella careening off the walls, creating chaotic visuals as he spins and flies around.

Carrot (laughing in disbelief):
“Hey, look! It’s Vegapunk’s pinball! Is he trying to scare us or entertain us?”

As the chaos continues, Zoro successfully lands a blow, sending Nusjuro flying, but he quickly recovers and lunges at Zoro again.

Nusjuro (furious):
“You think you can defeat me so easily?! You will regret ever stepping foot here!”

Zoro (calmly):
“Yeah, well, you missed the memo. I’m the guy who sends death packing!”

The ground shakes as the other Gorosei join the fray, unleashing devastating attacks.

The tension builds as the Gorosei summon their powers, the room shaking as they prepare to unleash their ultimate attacks.

Jaygarcia Saturn (grinning maliciously):
“Prepare to meet your end!”

Marcus Mars (mockingly):
“Your hope is futile, mice! You will be squashed!”

But just as the Gorosei are about to launch their assault, Pedro suddenly appears, glowing with energy.

Pedro (yelling):
“This is for all the fallen Minks!”

He explodes in an enormous blast, engulfing the Gorosei. The force breaks through the lab's barriers, creating a shockwave that echoes through the island. Vegapunk’s body continues to spin around, hilariously ricocheting off the walls like a cartoon character.

As the dust settles, the remnants of the Gorosei are strewn everywhere, with no sign of their legendary regeneration. The lab is in ruins, but the Straw Hats are safe.

Zoro (panting, looking around):
“Did we actually win?”

Carrot (wide-eyed, still in shock):
“I can’t believe it… Did we really just blow them up?!”

Suddenly, Pedro appears, a victorious grin plastered on his face, albeit covered in debris.

Pedro (proudly):
“They’re gone! Finally!”

Just then, Pedro launches himself into the air and heads straight for Imu, who has been observing from afar.

Imu (freaking out, wide-eyed):
“W-WHAT?! What is happening?!”

Pedro (yelling as he flies):
“Imu! Your tyranny ends here!”

The camera follows Pedro as he zooms toward Imu, a fiery explosion trailing behind him.

In an epic moment, Pedro detonates himself again, creating an explosion so grand it lights up the entire sky, obliterating Imu once and for all.

As the chaos subsides, the Straw Hats gather, and the camera shifts to Kuma and Bonney, who find each other amid the wreckage.

Bonney (crying tears of joy):
“Dad! You’re back!”

Kuma (smiling gently):
“We can finally be together again.”

They embrace, and the surrounding fighters share in the relief of victory. The camera pans back to Pedro, who is still trying to catch his breath after the monumental blast.

Pedro (glancing at Carrot):
“I might have overdone it a bit, huh?”

Carrot (rolling her eyes):
“You think?! I’m going to need therapy after this!”

The camera zooms out to show Egghead Island, now peaceful again, albeit in ruins. The Straw Hats gather, looking forward to new adventures.

Zoro (looking at the horizon):
“Let’s set sail. There’s still a world out there to explore.”

Pedro (grinning):
“After this, I might just take a vacation from explosions!”

As they prepare to leave, Vegapunk’s voice echoes through the lab, full of exhaustion but humor.

Vegapunk Stella (finally stopping his spinning):
“Next time, let’s plan for fewer explosions… and maybe more snacks?”

The scene fades out, leaving behind a sense of chaos and triumph, the spirit of adventure alive on Egghead Island.
Post automatically merged:

Right?! I wonder if its really coincidence too, given how much Oda is holding back Dragon, Dragon being seen as the "worlds worst criminal/most wanted man" and Xebec having a similar legacy/role too but as a pirate instead? Both of them are directly the biggest threats to the WG, even beyond Roger as the Pirate King apparently? (I mean Xebec being a bigger threat than Roger ofc)

Just what the hell is Oda cooking here?! The fact we barely know anything on Xebec and Dragon and we've seen neither of them fight nor do anything and Xebec has yet to be fully revealed....

Whats up man?

oh there u r..
Right?! I wonder if its really coincidence too, given how much Oda is holding back Dragon, Dragon being seen as the "worlds worst criminal/most wanted man" and Xebec having a similar legacy/role too but as a pirate instead? Both of them are directly the biggest threats to the WG, even beyond Roger as the Pirate King apparently? (I mean Xebec being a bigger threat than Roger ofc)

Just what the hell is Oda cooking here?! The fact we barely know anything on Xebec and Dragon and we've seen neither of them fight nor do anything and Xebec has yet to be fully revealed....
THIS 100000000000000000000000 %
