Why has no one ever point this out???

Coby/koby/kobe in japanese: Meaning. Supplanter, God's door, God may protect, tortoise etc. Other names. Alternative spelling. Coby

What does it mean to be a Supplanter?

: to take the place of and serve as a substitute for especially by reason of superior excellence or power
Koby Zoan confirmed
Why has no one ever point this out???

Coby/koby/kobe in japanese: Meaning. Supplanter, God's door, God may protect, tortoise etc. Other names. Alternative spelling. Coby

What does it mean to be a Supplanter?

: to take the place of and serve as a substitute for especially by reason of superior excellence or power
Because no one gives a damn about him:parkcry:
To add in biblical history coby means:

What does Coby mean?


A diminutive of Jacob, Coby derives from the Hebrew Ya'aqov and later Latin Iacobus and means “supplanter,” “Yahweh (God) may protect,” and “holder of heel.” It is a strong name for baby and a great option if you want the potent meaning of Jacob without the confusion this popular name can bring on the playground.
To add in biblical history coby means:

What does Coby mean?


A diminutive of Jacob, Coby derives from the Hebrew Ya'aqov and later Latin Iacobus and means “supplanter,” “Yahweh (God) may protect,” and “holder of heel.” It is a strong name for baby and a great option if you want the potent meaning of Jacob without the confusion this popular name can bring on the playground.
"On his way out Koby snatches a devil fruit power that Blackneard pirates stole by killing Wank Zhi, he got the rare mythical zoan black tortoise, he transforms into a huge mythical turtle acting like Bege's big father where Hibari, Helmeppo, Bogart and fodders enter inside while Garp and Kuzan defend him from attacks, leaving a destroyed beehive behind"
"On his way out Koby snatches a devil fruit power that Blackneard pirates stole by killing Wank Zhi, he got the rare mythical zoan black tortoise, he transforms into a huge mythical turtle acting like Bege's big father where Hibari, Helmeppo, Bogart and fodders enter inside while Garp and Kuzan defend him gtom attacks, leaving a destroyed beehive behind"
@Ssg super suit coby thoughts?