- S-hawk goes to attack weaker members and as a result is seen going to attack sanji. However a storm leg is sent flying at s-hawk. It's revealed to be stussy who sent the slash

- Meanwhile Kaku loses sight of zoro but arrives to where both stussy and sanji are located

- Stussy asks that kaku forgives him which kaku agrees with a smiling face

- We then see a laser almost hit kaku from the side. Its revealed to be S-snake who also arrives at the location of s-hawk and s-shark.

- So we have a panel of sanji, kaku and stussy about to face s-shark, s-hawk and s-snake

- We pan back to zoro who is very much lost.

- York sees him on the monitors but refuses to engage with him since she is trying to avoid all strong opponents.

- We see that some of the civilians were not able to leave with zoro telling them to evacuate.

- However in that moment several beams slice through the roof above him with the rubble of the roof about to hit the civilians.

- Zoro uses a long ranged slash at the rubble. The civilians are saved however we see who sent the beams.

- Its kizaru that's in the air with a smile seeing zoro. While zoro has a smile seeing kizaru.

- Scene shifts to luffy about to hit s-bear with saturn approaching. Luffy senses him and says that something is off about that old guy (referring to saturn)

- Chapter ends in a final panel of us being shown the results of elbaf

- Kidd is resoundingly defeated however one giant gets up and says that he is the one that helped defeat the chaos known as bigmom
Star Wars helped generate that annoying wave of millenial nerds who nickpicked everything and ridiculously high standards that any follow up to what they loved would be doomed from the beginning. At its heart, the Prequels were mediocre movies who couldn't live up to their ambitions but to those nerds it was the worst thing ever put in cinema. Thoughts like that were spurred by big name nerds like Kevin Smith and people just parroted it. RLM probably came a bit too late to have influenced popular thought but it did capture the Gen X-Early Millenial feeling towards it perfectly with the Plinkett reviews.