Oh yeah more of arguably the best character in the story?

sign me the fuck up. It’s not like Oda is using the time away from Law for other SHs. He’s using it for 7 Vegapunks lmao
People are forgetting the trash we had in wano lol. Fucking kawamatsu and ashura? The fucking onibawanshu?. I much rather have a great chara like Law than some irrelevant fodder trash tier chara shoved down my throat :lawbepo:
Law is the co main character now
He's the sasuke/vegeta/Killua of OP since New world started
He's gonna stick around till EoS

Oda won't let Law die or be out of the picture completely

It sucks that Law and Kid just left luffy , and soon they'll all be at the same place again lol