Title -- Demise of World Government's Strongest
Chapter starts on Egghead , Kizaru and Saturn arrives on Egghead.
Saturn warns Kizaru of Nika's power and ask not to engage him but Kizaru smiles
Luffy senses Kizaru and is angry. We get small sabody flashback.
The Seraphim fights continue. Kizaru comes at Luffy's location and congrats him for taking down world's strongest creature. Luffy goes in gear 5 and creates a big punch and attacks Kizaru.
Kizaru is flunged outside of onigashima. In an epic double spread we see Kizaru getting defeated.
Not this fast i would say something like :
Luffy hits kizaru with a big punch then kizaru dodges with his speed of light
Then he smiles and says that'll be a bumpy one
MEANWHILE. Zoro is still fighting shawk and he's sick of him he wears his bandana and uses coc on ashura to finally cut shawk while he still has his flames on
Cut to sanji : he's recieved 0 damage from sshark so for a final blow he uses ifrit and before he can submerge in earth he gets hit by ifrit IN THE FACE and so he's thrown out of the vega tower to the outside lazer dome and he gets chopped to pieces
Sanji : That's the power of love