Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 21 12.6%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 7.2%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 8 4.8%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 105 62.9%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 21 12.6%

  • Total voters
- Sabo also found evidence that the world is in fact flat
- He saw the full map in mary geoice pub the world far beyond is entirely surrounded by a giant ice wall keeping the waters from falling off the world
- Saint Gey Lacrosa Mars approaches Sabo and told him time to embrace reptilioid overlords
- At that moment Fujitora enters and Gorosei acted as if nothing happened, with Sabo having disappeared from sight with Imu
- Gorosei says this is bad an admiral is surely gonna suspect something off
There are so many great books out there! I have been going on a bit of a spree of reading books for the late 80s, early 90s of late. I'm adoring the works of Tad Williams and his iconic Osten Ard (Memory, Sorrow and Thorn) Saga. Before this current phase of mine I was reading a lot of Cosmere (Brandon Sanderson works), but I have a nice little trove to dig into at the moment. The Assassin's Apprentice is something I may read next, but Shannara or the Earthsea works may also be soon.

What kind of stories do you like? I'll try and point you in a direction!
Title -- Demise of World Government's Strongest

Chapter starts on Egghead , Kizaru and Saturn arrives on Egghead.

Saturn warns Kizaru of Nika's power and ask not to engage him but Kizaru smiles

Luffy senses Kizaru and is angry. We get small sabody flashback.

The Seraphim fights continue. Kizaru comes at Luffy's location and congrats him for taking down world's strongest creature. Luffy goes in gear 5 and creates a big punch and attacks Kizaru.

Kizaru is flunged outside of onigashima. In an epic double spread we see Kizaru getting defeated.
Title -- Demise of World Government's Strongest

Chapter starts on Egghead , Kizaru and Saturn arrives on Egghead.

Saturn warns Kizaru of Nika's power and ask not to engage him but Kizaru smiles

Luffy senses Kizaru and is angry. We get small sabody flashback.

The Seraphim fights continue. Kizaru comes at Luffy's location and congrats him for taking down world's strongest creature. Luffy goes in gear 5 and creates a big punch and attacks Kizaru.

Kizaru is flunged outside of onigashima. In an epic double spread we see Kizaru getting defeated.
Not this fast i would say something like :

Luffy hits kizaru with a big punch then kizaru dodges with his speed of light

Then he smiles and says that'll be a bumpy one

MEANWHILE. Zoro is still fighting shawk and he's sick of him he wears his bandana and uses coc on ashura to finally cut shawk while he still has his flames on

Cut to sanji : he's recieved 0 damage from sshark so for a final blow he uses ifrit and before he can submerge in earth he gets hit by ifrit IN THE FACE and so he's thrown out of the vega tower to the outside lazer dome and he gets chopped to pieces
Sanji : That's the power of love :optimistic:
1984 is a masterpiece, my wife is re-reading it to me at the moment (not literally this moment). I'd greatly advise any and all to read the Communist Manifesto with a sceptical eye, for so much is stated as fact and it can marr one's sensibilities to logical reality.
Read Anthem by Ayn Rand. Short, but the story is still great.
Fahrenheit451 was also good.