Gorosei Informer

Naruto stands before @MonsterKaido , determined to use his Talk No Jutsu to make the pirate turn over a new hidden leaf.
Naruto: Kaido, I know you've done some bad things in the past, but I believe that deep down, you have the potential to be a better person.

Kaido: (laughs) You really think I'm capable of change? I've been doing this for years, kid. I'm not about to suddenly become a nice guy.

Naruto: (grinning) That's where you're wrong, Kaido. I've seen firsthand how Talk No Jutsu can change people's lives. Just listen to me, and I promise I can help you become a better person.

Kaido: (skeptical) Fine. Talk.

Naruto: (takes a deep breath) First, we need to address the root of the problem. Why do you feel the need to dominate and control others?

Kaido: (snorts) Because that's just how the world works. The strong rule over the weak.

Naruto: (shaking his head) No, that's not true. Strength isn't just physical. It's also about having the courage to do what's right, even when it's difficult.

Kaido: (raises an eyebrow) And you think I don't have that courage?

Naruto: (smiling) I think you do. I think you just need someone to help you unlock it.

Kaido: (grunts) And who's going to do that? You?

Naruto: (nodding) Yes, me. Because I believe that everyone has the potential to be a better person, no matter how bad they've been in the past.

Kaido: (shakes his head) Sorry, kid. You're wasting your breath. I'm not about to change.

Naruto: (determined) I'm not giving up on you, Kaido. I'll keep trying until you see the light.

Suddenly, Kaido's hand begins to glow with an ominous energy.

Kaido: (grinning) You're wasting your time, Naruto. Thunder Bagua!

He launches a massive blast of electricity at Naruto, sending him flying back through a portal that opens up behind him.


Naruto lands with a thud in the middle of his village, dazed but unhurt.

Naruto: (groaning) Note to self: Thunder Bagua is not susceptible to Talk No Jutsu.

As he picks himself up and dusts himself off, Naruto can't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. He had really thought that he could make a difference in Kaido's life, but it seemed like the pirate was beyond redemption.

But Naruto knows that he can't give up. After all, Talk No Jutsu has worked before, and it will work again. He just needs to find the right person to use it on.

Chapter 1083 leaks. By @wailkafo on Twitter

The events of the chapter take place on the island of New World. Big Mom's crew appears on that island (Smoothie Daifuku,...) talking about Big Mom's death. Interview from the sea, we see a warship coming, the ship commanded by Vice Admiral Momonga, next to S- Flamingo, to arrest the crew of Big Mom and free the members

Cypher Ball

@BangOO @SDfear @EtenBoby