The Strawhats had finally made it to Whole Cake Island, the land of sweets and treats. They were excited to taste all the delicious food, but they didn't expect to encounter such a strange situation. As they were walking through the forest, they stumbled upon Urouge feeding Big Mom!

Luffy and the rest of the crew were stunned. They had no idea why Urouge was feeding Big Mom, or how he even got close enough to do so. But the strangest part was that every time Urouge fed Big Mom, one of her homies, a PromeSeatonnes, kept shouting "Urouge Feeding Big Mom"!

The crew couldn't help but burst out laughing at the absurdity of it all. Even Brook couldn't resist making a joke. "It seems like we've stumbled upon a new Big Mom Food Tasting show!" he said, strumming his guitar.

Urouge, on the other hand, looked incredibly serious. "I'm doing this for a reason," he said. "I believe that by feeding Big Mom, I can cure her of her hunger pangs."

The crew exchanged confused glances. "Umm, Urouge," said Nami, "I don't think that's how it works."

But Urouge was determined. He continued feeding Big Mom, and the PromeSeatonnes continued shouting "Urouge Feeding Big Mom" every time. The crew couldn't help but find the whole situation hilarious, and even started placing bets on how long Urouge could keep it up.

But eventually, Big Mom's hunger pangs became too much for Urouge to handle, and she devoured him whole. The PromeSeatonnes kept shouting "Urouge Feeding Big Mom" even as she swallowed him up.

The crew was shocked and horrified, but also couldn't help but find the situation even funnier than before. "Well, I guess we won't be seeing Urouge again anytime soon," said Sanji, trying to hide his laughter.

And as they continued on their adventure, the crew couldn't help but think of Urouge and the strange situation they had encountered on Whole Cake Island. Whenever they thought of it, they couldn't help but hear the PromeSeatonnes shouting "Urouge Feeding Big Mom" in their heads.

And thus ends the great tale of Urouge of the hunger pangs. :fullmom:

Gorosei Informer

Honestly? White Americans and non-German Europeans leaders deserve some global prize for convincing their citizens that they aren't fascist scum like the Germans in WW2.

The North Atlantic Slave Trade and Native American genocides in the US. Spain committing genocide all over the place. Britain being the scum of the earth in India and China.

That's why white people love bitching about that loser with the rectangular mustache so much; they think if they virtue signal about how much they hate him, they can just pretend USA and Europe didn't learn crap from World War 2, and just love blowing up little Arab children. A certain country in the Middle East is running an apartheid state, but that's okay, because the people in Palestine are brown Arabs, apparently.

Authoritarianism and fascism is evil, no matter what your stupid identity politics are.

We didn't learn jack shit from WW2. You see any of these fascists that hate 1930-1940 Germany cancelling China for running concentration camps against Muslims? See anyone in the US trying to ban the drone bombs that blow up Arab kids?

Nah, and it's because those countries are ruled by and filled with we-know-what.
Scapegoating and propaganda 101 unfortunately. Just convince the ones who threaten you that you share a common enemy, a greater enemy, who threatens them directly and boom. Appeal to their values, their beliefs, their senses. How truly Machiavellian.

Could not have said it better myself. A lot of politics is the same kind of scum on different sides of the same coin. Illusion of free choice.
@Doggo get out the guillotine throne pls
I'm ordering one for this guy
Post automatically merged:

She was mostly popular for her aids awareness campaign and Royal Family drama (adultery and was allegedly dating to brown people)

She died by car accident but Prominent conspiracies think she was assassinated and the accident was inside job
I knew that she was murdered
Just forgot for what lol