If it turns out that Oda is done with the draging and teasing , and we really will get Sabo flashback about the Mary Geoise incident - then oh boi, it's going to be a great chapter.

And shocking too - because we can assume in advance that the alleged death of Vivi's father is the tip of the iceberg.

The fact that we've already seen Vivi along with Wapol and Morgans, indicates that the "highlight" is hardly the murder we heard about.

1083: Blue Flames
- Reverie flashback
- Sabo burns Greenbull using blue flames, Sabo calls these blue flames the ultimate power on par with advance CoC
- Back at Egghead we return to Sanji vs S-Shark
- S-Shark looks burned and beaten up, Sanji is using Ifrit Jambe
- Chapter ends with Sanji beating S-Shark
Everything you write the opposite is true so sanji is not in the chapter cause of you
If it turns out that Oda is done with the draging and teasing , and we really will get Sabo flashback about the Mary Geoise incident - then oh boi, it's going to be a great chapter.

And shocking too - because we can assume in advance that the alleged death of Vivi's father is the tip of the iceberg.

The fact that we've already seen Vivi along with Wapol and Morgans, indicates that the "highlight" is hardly the murder we heard about.

you jinxed it
it's a strawhat chapter