Hes funny?

hes the most unfunny reactor on earth, his agenda is fucking bullshit and he spreads it throughout his fanbase :whitepress::whitepress::whitepress::whitepress::whitepress::whitepress:
The KOL hate can get a bit dumb sometimes, I also find KOL sometimes funny as well.

Yeah sometimes KOL's opinions especially when it comes to power level are bad I won't deny that, but sometimes his opinions on other stuff that is not about power level related are not that bad.

Of course his agenda is bullshit, but so are many others.

No not all of his fans agree with what he says, many of them have called out KOL.

It's fine to not like him, not everyone is going to like certain OP youtubers but I do think that sometimes the hate can get a bit ridiculous.

At the end of the day he's just another person that enjoys One Piece.