I may have a bitt leftovers of trust in humanity but why do people are so retarded to believe him?

I swear parents need to raise their kids better.

If your kids is fucking desperate for manga leaks to the point he/she'd believe fucking liar on twitter then something went wrong along the way.
That's the problem

People lost their filters, they just believe in anything, and these unfair people uses them to farm likes.

This is dirty. too dirty.


𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐢
That's the problem

People lost their filters, they just believe in anything, and these unfair people uses them to farm likes.

This is dirty. too dirty.
I know but what the fuck makes people believe in this shit?

I swear you have to be incapable mentally to some degree to believe in it.

It's not so fucking hard to confirm something/check reliability in the era of the internet.


Hustlerversity Graduate
I may have a bitt leftovers of trust in humanity but why do people are so retarded to believe him?

I swear parents need to raise their kids better.

If your kids is fucking desperate for manga leaks to the point he/she'd believe fucking liar on twitter then something went wrong along the way.
He weaponize sympathy and guilt-trip his followers to trust him
I know but what the fuck makes people believe in this shit?

I swear you have to be incapable mentally to some degree to believe in it.

It's not so fucking hard to confirm something/check reliability in the era of the internet.
They are desperate to believe in something, it's a belief like any other.

They just see that shit and THAT'S IT

It's the same thing for the 2 fake Redon. 2 guys created accounts pretending that they are Redon and GUESS WHAT?

They are getting followers.


Blocked him.

Dude is a complete thrash. He keeps doing this and he thinks it's right.

He posts supposed leaks before the magazine gets out. The problem is that the fanbase keeps believing his Thrash.

In clear portuguese in case of this dude is reading this: vc é um imundo do caralho, merece perder essa tua continha de merda que vc fica inventando bosta no twitter só pra farmar like. vai pra puta q te pariu.
Wow dude calm down:halt: