
Oda introduce light gloves so that some weaker character can get a hit on Kizaru.

So when does that happen? Does Zoro get beaten first? Or does Zoro need help? Or does Zoro take on Kizaru after he’s already fought someone?

See when you can actually read and think logically there’s no way Zoro vs Kizaru will be the only Kizaru fight on Egghead.

He’s obviously gonna clash with a bunch of people lol
And you thought sanji would use gloves to fight? The guy who doesnt use his hands?
Oda introduce light gloves so that some weaker character can get a hit on Kizaru.

So when does that happen? Does Zoro get beaten first? Or does Zoro need help? Or does Zoro take on Kizaru after he’s already fought someone?

See when you can actually read and think logically there’s no way Zoro vs Kizaru will be the only Kizaru fight on Egghead.

He’s obviously gonna clash with a bunch of people lol
Franky light gloved Kizaru.:fransuper:
is it thought? Your argument is dodging lasers which is something a million characters have done by now, hell kuma said zoro dodged his lightspeed attacks in thriller bark
It’s not the speed feat you idiot. It’s the fact that Oda is going out of his way to show Sanji dodging lasers when Kizaru is coming to Egghead.

It’s clear setup just like the light gloves lol

Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
Oda introduce light gloves so that some weaker character can get a hit on Kizaru.

So when does that happen? Does Zoro get beaten first? Or does Zoro need help? Or does Zoro take on Kizaru after he’s already fought someone?

See when you can actually read and think logically there’s no way Zoro vs Kizaru will be the only Kizaru fight on Egghead.

He’s obviously gonna clash with a bunch of people lol
The more the merrier I'd say

Gorosei Informer

It’s been just about 6 months since we found out Kizaru was coming to Egghead.

Hopefully Oda has been using all this time to choreograph cool Kizaru fights
Hes been using ChatGPT to try to figure what new moves to give him so he doesn't have to keep spamming Yasakani no Magatama and whatever the fuck his awakening could be too lmao.

Actually I've been doing that tbh too naturally and I loved what it suggested!

What could Admiral Kizaru's DF awakening be like?

Admiral Kizaru, also known as Borsalino, possesses the Pika Pika no Mi Devil Fruit, which grants him the power to transform into and control light. Awakening is a term used in the One Piece series to describe the advanced stage of Devil Fruit abilities, where the user gains greater control and mastery over their power. While we haven't seen an official depiction of Kizaru's Devil Fruit awakening in the manga or anime as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, I can speculate on what it might entail based on the characteristics of his fruit and other awakening examples.
If Kizaru were to awaken his Devil Fruit, his control over light would likely become more potent and versatile. Here are some possibilities for how his awakening could manifest:

  1. Light Manipulation: Kizaru's awakening might allow him to manipulate light on a larger scale, enabling him to control not only his own emitted light but also the light in the surrounding environment. This could give him the ability to bend, redirect, and amplify light, creating complex illusions, blinding opponents, or even disorienting them by manipulating the intensity and direction of light rays.
  2. Light-Based Constructs: With his awakening, Kizaru might be able to solidify light, forming tangible constructs or weapons made entirely of light. These constructs could be utilized for offensive purposes, such as creating sharp light blades or projectiles, or defensively, by generating light-based shields or barriers to protect himself and others.
  3. Light Speed Travel: As the Admiral of the Marines, Kizaru is known for his incredible speed. His awakening could further enhance his speed by allowing him to travel at or near the speed of light. This ability would grant him unparalleled mobility on the battlefield, enabling him to quickly traverse vast distances and strike his opponents with incredible force.
  4. Energy Absorption: Kizaru's awakening might grant him the ability to absorb and convert various forms of energy, not just light. This would allow him to absorb attacks that rely on energy-based powers, such as Devil Fruit abilities or Haki techniques, and convert that energy into light-based attacks of his own. This absorption ability could also provide him with increased stamina and resilience in battle.
  5. Light-Based Healing: Another possibility for Kizaru's awakening is the ability to use light for healing purposes. He could emit healing light that restores injuries or fatigue, either on himself or on others. This healing ability would make him a formidable support fighter, providing aid to his allies and extending their endurance in prolonged conflicts.
It's important to note that awakening powers can vary widely among Devil Fruit users, and until an official depiction is provided in the One Piece series, these are simply speculative ideas for what Admiral Kizaru's Devil Fruit awakening could be like.

Devise some ideas of Kizaru having moves/abilities based around a "Holy Light" themed awakening, symbolising his loyalty to the World Government and thus Imu.

Certainly! If Kizaru were to have a "Holy Light" themed awakening that symbolizes his loyalty to the World Government and Imu, his abilities could incorporate elements associated with divine light and righteousness. Here are a few ideas:
  1. Celestial Radiance: Kizaru's awakening could allow him to emit a blinding, radiant light that resembles a celestial phenomenon. This light would possess a purifying effect, purging evil influences and weakening the abilities of those it shines upon. It could dispel darkness and illusions, revealing the truth beneath deception.
  2. Heavenly Judgment: With his awakening, Kizaru could unleash devastating attacks that manifest as divine beams of light, symbolizing his role as an enforcer of justice. These beams could have tremendous destructive power, capable of obliterating structures and overwhelming his opponents with their intensity. It would be as if the power of divine judgment itself were raining down upon his enemies.
  3. Sacred Armor: Kizaru's awakening might grant him the ability to generate an armor made of holy light, enhancing his defense and durability. This armor could provide protection from various attacks, including physical strikes, energy-based assaults, and even certain types of Devil Fruit abilities. It would symbolize his unwavering loyalty and dedication to the World Government and its ideals.
  4. Divine Intervention: Kizaru's awakening could enable him to temporarily transcend the laws of physics, granting him the ability to teleport instantaneously across vast distances. This teleportation would be akin to divine intervention, allowing him to appear and disappear at will, strategically positioning himself on the battlefield or swiftly coming to the aid of his comrades.
  5. Absolute Justice: As the embodiment of the World Government's absolute justice, Kizaru's awakening could grant him the power to dispense instantaneous retribution against those who oppose him. He could emit concentrated beams of light that act as chains, binding his enemies and rendering them powerless. This ability would symbolize his commitment to upholding order and punishing the wicked.
These ideas represent a "Holy Light" themed awakening for Admiral Kizaru that aligns with his loyalty to the World Government and Imu. Keep in mind that these are speculative concepts, and their actual portrayal in the One Piece series may differ if an official depiction is ever introduced.

Design some awakened moves for Kizaru (not with the holy theme idea).

Certainly! Here are some awakened moves for Admiral Kizaru that do not incorporate the holy theme but instead focus on enhancing his light-based abilities:
  1. Luminous Nova: Kizaru's awakening could allow him to gather immense amounts of light energy and unleash it in a devastating explosion. This technique would create a blinding sphere of light that expands rapidly upon impact, engulfing a large area and causing widespread destruction.
  2. Photon Barrage: With his awakening, Kizaru could generate an overwhelming barrage of light-based projectiles. These projectiles would travel at incredible speeds, homing in on his targets and bombarding them from all directions. Each photon would possess enough force to penetrate defenses and deliver powerful blows.
  3. Prism Shield: Kizaru's awakening might enable him to create a defensive shield made of light that can deflect attacks. This shield would have the ability to refract incoming projectiles, redirecting their trajectory away from Kizaru and his allies. It would be a versatile defensive technique against both physical and energy-based attacks.
  4. Speed of Light Assault: Building upon his already incredible speed, Kizaru's awakening could grant him the ability to move at even greater velocities, approaching the actual speed of light. This heightened speed would allow him to appear and disappear in the blink of an eye, making it nearly impossible for opponents to react or counter his attacks.
  5. Solar Flare: Kizaru's awakening could enable him to focus his light-based powers into a concentrated beam of intense energy. This beam would have the properties of a solar flare, emitting scorching heat and causing massive damage upon contact. It would be an unstoppable force, capable of melting through even the toughest of defenses.
  6. Refraction Manipulation: With his awakened abilities, Kizaru could manipulate the properties of light to create intricate illusions and deceiving visuals. He could refract light to create mirages or project multiple images of himself, confusing and disorienting his opponents in battle.
  7. Radiant Healing: Kizaru's awakening might grant him the ability to utilize light energy for healing purposes. By emitting healing rays of light, he could mend wounds, regenerate tissues, and revitalize himself or his allies during combat.
These awakened moves for Admiral Kizaru focus on enhancing his light-based abilities and maximizing their destructive and tactical potential. They showcase his mastery over light and the devastating impact he can have on the battlefield.

Design some monkey themed attacks for Kizaru with his DF.

Certainly! Here are some monkey-themed attacks for Admiral Kizaru that incorporate his Devil Fruit powers:
  1. Solar Simian: Kizaru could transform his body into a blazing golden monkey made of light. This form would grant him enhanced agility, strength, and the ability to launch devastating light-based attacks. He could pounce on opponents with incredible speed, unleashing a flurry of powerful punches and kicks.
  2. Light Speed Swing: Taking inspiration from a monkey's agility and acrobatics, Kizaru could utilize his light-based powers to swing from one point to another at incredible speeds. He would create luminous ropes or vines made of light and swing between them, striking opponents with lightning-fast kicks and punches in the process.
  3. Monkey's Mirror: Kizaru could generate multiple mirror-like reflections of himself using his light-based abilities. These mirror images would act as illusions, confusing opponents and making it difficult for them to discern Kizaru's true location. This technique would allow him to execute surprise attacks and evade enemy strikes.
  4. Solar Bananas: Kizaru could create orbs of concentrated light that resemble golden bananas. These luminous fruits would explode upon impact, releasing a powerful burst of light energy that disorients opponents and causes widespread damage. He could throw them as projectiles or set up traps to catch his enemies off guard.
  5. Primate Illumination: Kizaru could emit a brilliant light from his body, enveloping himself and his surroundings in a blinding radiance. This technique would temporarily blind opponents and hinder their ability to see, giving Kizaru an advantage in battle. He could then capitalize on their disorientation with swift and precise attacks.
  6. Monkey's Reflex: Drawing from a monkey's agility and quick reflexes, Kizaru could enhance his reaction speed using his light-based powers. He would be able to dodge attacks with incredible precision, moving in a fluid and unpredictable manner that mimics the agility of a monkey.
  7. Solar Flurry: Kizaru could unleash a rapid series of light-based strikes with his fists and feet. Each strike would carry the intensity of a small solar flare, delivering explosive bursts of energy upon impact. This technique would allow him to overwhelm opponents with a barrage of powerful and precise attacks.
These monkey-themed attacks for Admiral Kizaru showcase his agility, versatility, and mastery over light, blending his Devil Fruit powers with the characteristics of a monkey to create unique and devastating techniques.

Design an ultimate, monkey themed attack for Kizaru with his devil fruit, incorporating physical light constructs and or lasers and with a Japanese name too (including an english translation of it).

Certainly! Here's an ultimate, monkey-themed attack for Kizaru that incorporates physical light constructs and lasers, with a Japanese name and its English translation:
Japanese Name: "Enkō no Saruken" (猿光の撒猿拳) - English Translation: "Monkey's Radiant Fist"
Description: "Enkō no Saruken" combines Kizaru's mastery over light and his agility, channeling his power into a devastating physical attack.
Technique Details:

  1. Monkey's Light Constructs: Kizaru creates intricate light constructs resembling monkey-like appendages, such as elongated arms and nimble tails, around his own limbs. These constructs are solidified light, granting them both physical and energy-based properties.
  2. Laser Burst: As Kizaru lunges forward with incredible speed, his light constructs intensify, crackling with vibrant energy. At the apex of his strike, he releases a series of powerful laser beams from the fingertips of his light constructs, launching them towards his target with precision.
  3. Blinding Impact: Upon contact, the laser beams unleash a blinding explosion of radiant light and intense heat, overwhelming the enemy and causing significant damage. The impact of the attack releases a shockwave that radiates outward, further disorienting and pushing back opponents.
  4. Agility and Reflexes: Throughout the execution of "Enkō no Saruken," Kizaru's enhanced speed and reflexes allow him to effortlessly dodge and weave through enemy attacks, while simultaneously maintaining precise control over his light constructs.
  5. Symbolic Monkey Traits: The attack incorporates the agile and mischievous nature of monkeys, as Kizaru swiftly maneuvers and strikes his opponents. The monkey-like light constructs also mimic the dexterity and versatility associated with these creatures.
"Enkō no Saruken" represents a powerful and visually striking ultimate attack for Admiral Kizaru. It combines his light-based abilities with his agility and reflexes, allowing him to overwhelm opponents with a flurry of laser-infused strikes.

I've been doing similar with Green Bull lately and want to do the same for Akainu, Kuzan, Fujitora and also my ideas for an Orange themed Admiral.
I can understand admiral bros not wanting him to fight zoro or sanji but anyone with a single braincell can see that if kizaru fights one of them here it's going to be Zoro lol
It’s going to be both.

Plus it’ll be really funny to watch you guys argue that Zoro is doing all the work and Sanji is useless while Sanji fans argue that he’s doing all the work and Zoro is useless.

Gorosei Informer

Honestly given what we've seen from the Gorosei now, I wonder if we're really gonna get Saturn vs Luffy instead of Kizaru vs Luffy? Saturn can't be that strong, surely!? Plus we need Luffy to fight an Admiral seriously and defeat one too sooner or later, preferably sooner. But not without said Admiral going all out first including awakening ofc.

Since Lucci and Kaku were able to awaken in 2 years, theres no excuse for an Admiral to not be awakened especially as they undergo mandatory brutal training to meet minimum expected standards as Marines but then being the ultimate force of the Marines on top of that and heavy DF based fights, they SHOULD be awakened regardless.

Hell, Kuzan and Akainu fought for 10 freaking days apparently somehow, the longest fight in the entire series and they permanently changed the landscape and climate of Punk Hazard with it!