
Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
Spoiler of 1086:
Title: The last cook

- Zoro finds sanjino complety defeated by Kizaru

- Kizaru says (he is laughing) that sanjino declarated he is the most feared by the marine, so he uses all his power

- Zoro confirmes than sanjino is dead

Break the next week
Lamirals Bozos are suffering since many years now, I want that Oda stops the massacre and starts to promote the good old Lamirals like Wizaru or Laokiji. They deserve some respect, even if they would get destroyed by an alcoholic Kaido or a angry Sandal master Shanks. :hope:
Oda san … What is your plan ? What’s the sauce ? What’s cooking ?:hope: