Gorosei Informer

Title: Mihawk's Marathon Mayhem

[Scene: A picturesque island with lush landscapes and a serene atmosphere. Mihawk, the World's Greatest Swordsman, is enjoying a leisurely stroll.]

Mihawk: Ah, what a lovely day for a walk! The breeze, the scenery, the tranquility... it's all so... peaceful.

[Suddenly, a powerful tremor shakes the ground. Zoro, with his three swords drawn, appears from behind a cluster of trees.]

Zoro: Mihawk! It's time to settle this once and for all! I've come to claim the title of World's Greatest Swordsman!

Mihawk: [Panicking] Oh my, Zoro! Look at the time! I left the stove on back at my castle! Got to run! [Bolts off]

Zoro: Hey, get back here!

[Cut to a rocky beach. Mihawk's running frantically, when Shanks, casually leaning on his sword, intercepts him.]

Shanks: Long time no see, Mihawk! Fancy a little spar?

Mihawk: Oh, Shanks! Sorry, can't stay! I promised my pet seagull a pedicure appointment! Gotta fly! [Continues running]

Shanks: Wait up!

[Next scene takes place in a bustling city. Mihawk, out of breath, is suddenly surrounded by Vista, Fujitora, and Rayleigh.]

Vista: Mihawk, it's about time we settled who the true master of the blade is!

Fujitora: Indeed. Let's have a friendly match, shall we?

Rayleigh: You can't escape us forever, Mihawk.

Mihawk: Oh dear, gentlemen, I would absolutely love to engage, but I just remembered... I'm allergic to confrontation! Got to dash! [Makes a hasty retreat]

Vista: Allergic to what now?

Fujitora: Did he just say...?

Rayleigh: Well, that's a new one.

[The pursuit continues as Mihawk zigzags through various terrains, narrowly evading his pursuers.]

[Finally, Mihawk arrives at the edge of a cliff overlooking the ocean. He's cornered.]

Mihawk: Oh dear me, what a pickle I'm in! Can't we settle this over a game of rock-paper-scissors? Anyone?

[Zoro, Shanks, Vista, Fujitora, and Rayleigh approach, looking determined.]

Zoro: No more running, Mihawk!

Shanks: It's time to face the music!

Vista: Prepare to taste defeat!

Fujitora: Let's see what you're really made of!

Rayleigh: You can't talk your way out of this one, Mihawk.

Mihawk: [Sighs] Very well, it seems I have no choice.

[Just as the swords are about to clash, a wild chicken dashes between them, followed by an agitated seagull.]

Mihawk: Oh my goodness, my pets are in danger! [Rushes after the animals, leaving the swordsmen dumbfounded.]

Zoro: Did that just...?

Shanks: Seriously?

Vista: Unbelievable.

Fujitora: I've seen it all now.

Rayleigh: The World's Greatest Swordsman, everyone.

[As Mihawk chases after his pets, the swordsmen exchange bemused glances and shake their heads in disbelief.]

[End scene.]
