CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
1092: Sun God vs Corporate Slave

-Luffy damages Kizaru with Red Roc, causing Kizaru to cough up blood
-Lucci is frustrated that Zoro is matching his strength
-Kizaru realizes Luffy is dangerous in close range, and begins firing off long range lasers

-Luffy tries to punch the lasers, but a few get through
-Luffy gets kicked, hard, and spits out blood

-Kizaru is covered in black lightning, and says, "We recieved detailed reports regarding the Raid on Onigashima in Wano. I know that you didn't take Kaido down by yourself... If you underestimate the Admirals just because Kaido fell to your Alliance, your death will be faster than light."
-Luffy smirks, and replies, "Kaido was the strongest creature in the world! If I could punch him through the earth, I can punch you, Kizaru! Don't underestimate the Yonkou, either! Nishishishi!"

-Luffy goes into Gear 5, and reflects Kizaru's light back at him using his rubber powers
-Vegapunk is amazed Luffy is outpacing Kizaru, and that he could even reflect lasers
-Luffy grabs the rocket ship shaped buildings and begins throwing them at Kizaru as missiles
-Luffy extending his arm around Kizaru while Kizaru blocks, then many arms stretch out of Luffy's arm and begin punching Kizaru
-We see Kizaru crash into the ground, he has some serious wounds, and part of his glasses are broken
-Kizaru tosees the glasses away, and closes his lips, looking somewhat like a different person
-Kizaru: "That technique doesn't last long, and has a cooldown, correct? I could just avoid you until you run out of energy... but, to be honest with you..." Luffy sweats as Kizaru stares at him with cold, furious eyes. "I haven't felt this angry in years, so let me show you my true power, too."

-Light Logia Awakening: Kizaru is able to reflect, refract, and condense light at will. This allows him to make high powered UV beams that are both faster and more dangerous than his normal attacks. The attack causes radiation fallout, though, so he can only use it in certain places, or else it would kill bystanders

-In an epic double page spread, Kizaru twists the Frontier Dome's Laser Grind and turns it into an array of blindning, UV spears
-"I'm not a suicidal drunk, like Kaido. I am the peak of the Marine's power, a Navy Admiral. Kuma-san isn't here to rescue you, now. Everyday, the sun rises on this earth. You cannot escape the power of light, Yonkou Luffy."
-Luffy smiles as he punches through the UV spears, though his body looks warped, then shouts, "We will live to see another dawn, Kizaru! ROC GATTLING!"
Elon is great at marketing himself as a philanthropist. He actually reminds me of Kingpin from Daredevil/Spider-Man.
well he did very well until the Twitter X stuff
he actually caused deaths of probably hundreds of people (couple dozen in Tesla factories due to horrible conditions/lack of safety and cutting Starlink in Ukrain causing an unknown number of soldiers to die)
he didn't even create Tesla or PayPal :milaugh: