lol you say that's acceptance but ignore that bb permanently scarred on guard shanks... ignore that the final attack on law was offscreened. Ignore that his goal is the world hell mind you the 5 gorosei that sit below the king of the world imu are being shown with coc and you think the man that is aiming for the top won't have it because oda has not shown it yet lol. Is it safe to assume that u think imu sits on the throne and he does not have coc haki?
Because if Blackbeard was going to use CoC why not use it to block Laws attack? What attack the surprise shock willie? He was caught off guard.
Why not to block S-Hawks? Why would you assume he needed to use coc to block s hawk when oda clearly shows us arnament haki was enough?
Why not show basic CoC? There’s no point in hiding it. You don’t need CoC to be on the top.
Comparing this to Mihawk who has never been shown in a serious fight is a wild statement… Not wild what so ever by your logic if mihawk had coc we should have seen him using basic coc knocking out fodder marines and buggy crew as he arrived to cross guild.
lol i don't even know what to say to the fuji one... he gets adv coc and that makes him equal to the other logias

what story are we reading??? Oda keeps on establishing that stronger haki is key and you think adv coc would be an equalizer to logia df alone ?