Zoro D.
@GUI VI confirmed?!

Completely agree man, that flashback stuff with him, Vegapunk and Sentomaru, his clearly evident conflict with his duty and allegience to the Marines and WG vs protecting and caring for his friends, him clearly holding back and stalling both here and at Egghead, its all very nuanced and wonderful, just like how Oda has been writing Kuzan, Fujitora, Smoker and such.
I think Kizaru's Unclear Justice is also a reflection (pun intended) of his own unsure, unclear allegiances and purpose, he was probably groomed into the Marines and thus under the dogma of the WG from a very young age, we don't know his past pre Vegapunk and meeting Sentomaru his beloved "nephew" too and Kizaru just seems too chill to even care about and truly follow in the WG's ande even Marine's beliefes, especially the whole obsession with "Justice" with the Marines.
It was said that he supposedly rounded up 500 pirates "in anger" and captured them after the SH's escaped him at Sabaody, but to me it feels more like he did it as a coverup to draw suspicion on why he was unable to capture their crew so easily and let them escape.
As we know from Kuma's FB now, Kuma intervening was never pre-planned, it was a whim and that's why he also whispered to Rayleigh his intentions. Kuma probably told Kizaru later offscreen too, especially if Kizaru and Sentomaru interrogated him on why he did what he did as they surely would have?
He's definitely gonna help Vegapunk, Bonney, the SH's etc, whether he openly rebels or purposely holds back and "goofs up" to let them succeed, as you said. I can't wait for it.
I def have suspected this could happen and if it does, I'm gonna legit cry for Kizaru. He's one of the best characters in the series for me and Oda is legit doing him "justice" here, except for the lack of haki usage and awakening, plus more new moves generally but I'll take this. As a character, I think he's being written wonderfully though, like Bonney and Kuma too. (Much better than Dragon too sigh.)
I don't know if the theory of Akainu destroying Kuma's command chip purposely is plausible or not but I love that too, Akainu secretly screwing over the WG for his own karmic agenda/hopefully inevitable major coup too.
I thought we would get a moment like this with Kaido and BM, where they defend Wano from a Blackbeard and or WG and Marine invasion and they both go down fighting together, like a nod back to the Rocks Pirate and God'sValley days and thus having their own Whitebeard's final stand moment BUT if I see Kizaru doing something like this, I am legit going to fucking bawl for him.
I expected Fujitora to die at some point or Kuzan but Kizaru was always a possibility too. I am sure one Admiral or ex-Admiral will die by the end of the story and it's gonna be sad regardless imo. Even if its Akainu or Green Bull especially as Oda will make it sad and them sympathetic I'm sure. Not justified or redeemed but somewhat sympathetic at least. Like Kaido, BM, Orochi, Kanjuro etc.