I dont think we needed wait 25 years for the most scientific person to reveal "bro they are just dreams, but just a theory".
I think that’s the whole point of OP and Luffy's character
Science is cool but there’s more than that
Something mankind can’t explain
call it fantasy, the inner child or the spiritual heart
I think this is the "power of love" Vegapunk talked about
Luffy is Oda's perfect child and the sun represents in some cultures the heart
The Sun God Nika is personification of that
Didn't you read what I said? The reason why he started directly with G5 against Lucciye is because G5 is directly related to Vegapunk's speech, this floating Luffy was supposed to be on Gear 5.also, kizaru's advantage over snake man was speed, do you think he can beat snake man in one attack while kizaru's kick can even keep sanji on the ground for 1 second?

All you're doing is talking hypothetically, I'm looking at the feats, and the feats show that base luffy is stronger
Bruh your the one being hypothetical actually. If he had the feats in base that you claim then oda would have had luffy doing more against these opponents in base in egg head lol. That's point, back in wci he had luffy spam base form against Kat until he got the drop on him in g4 after hours of fighting. Oda then had luffy fight kaido in base until he got the drop of him in g4 and g5 after fighting the dude for hours. But yet when he fought lucci and arc after oda had the dude JUMP straight to g5. When he had luffy fight kizaru oda had him use base then g4 then g5 within a matter of minutes. When oda had luffy vs seraphim oda wrote in jumping straight into g4 and directly had luffy compare their durability (while in flame on mode) to kaido. So in any of these scenarios in egghead if oda wanted to portray that BASE luffy > lucci and the seraphim he would have shown it in the arc
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Bruh your the one being hypothetical actually. If he had the feats in base that you claim then oda would have had luffy doing more against these opponents in base lol. That's point black. In wci he had luffy spam base against Kat until he got the drop on him in g4 after hours of fighting. Oda then had luffy fight kaido in base until he got the drop of him in g4 and g5 after fighting the dude for hours. But yet when he fought lucci and arc after oda had the dude JUMP straight to g5. When he had luffy fight kizaru oda had him use base then g4 then g5 within a matter of minutes. When oda had luffy vs seraphim oda wrote in jumping straight into g4 and directly had luffy compare their durability (while in flame on mode) to kaido. So in any of these scenarios in egghead if oda wanted to portray that BASE luffy > lucci and the seraphim he would have shown it in the arc
You're still talking hypothetical, wouldn't it be like this if it were, and so on. I look at what they can do and the basic luffy is clearly superior. There is nothing more normal than comparing the endurance of the Seraphim to the kaido. Seraphim have the greatest stamina in the OP universe, they can't take damage unless they put out the Moon Flames and no one can hurt them, you forget that the author of this series is Oda Oda decided that Luffy should use Gear 5 there and drew it that way because they needed to see him in that scene. Actually, there is no need to mention all this, luccinin didn't stand a chance against Gear 5, he didn't even manage to resist, this difference normally shows that lucci can't fight g5, luffy's comfort in fighting Saturn in the last episode is very revealing achievements, but if it needs to be clearer, I don't understand how strong you think lucci is, even luffy's g4 form before onigashima is at yc1 level,

So how can you think that luffy needs G5 over lucci?
You're still talking hypothetical, wouldn't it be like this if it were, and so on. I look at what they can do and the basic luffy is clearly superior. There is nothing more normal than comparing the endurance of the Seraphim to the kaido. Seraphim have the greatest stamina in the OP universe, they can't take damage unless they put out the Moon Flames and no one can hurt them, you forget that the author of this series is Oda Oda decided that Luffy should use Gear 5 there and drew it that way because they needed to see him in that scene. Actually, there is no need to mention all this, luccinin didn't stand a chance against Gear 5, he didn't even manage to resist, this difference normally shows that lucci can't fight g5, luffy's comfort in fighting Saturn in the last episode is very revealing achievements, but if it needs to be clearer, I don't understand how strong you think lucci is, even luffy's g4 form before onigashima is at yc1 level,

So how can you think that luffy needs G5 over lucci?
Simple because he used a form that is to his detriment on lucci. Why would luffy take the risk against a person he can solo in base? Exactly. It's illogical. Luffy doesn't waste forms that drain him as such in a fight unless he absolutely needs to (against katakuri, kaido, kizaru, etc). That's why.

It was clear in the g5 vs Lucci fight that lucci simple was dominated because he lacked the idea of ehat g5 can do and was confused on what the form was or does. Infact there were several scenes with them clashing. It wasn't until luffy started doing weird stuff that lucci was defeated and in the end he still wasn't koed since in the next page he was up in base while luffy was an old man and had to literally be carried by chopper.

Infact your point doesn't even make sense since again it was doubled down by oda. Why did oda draw g4 luffy in bound man form (second strongest form in terms od destructive capabilities) and paired it with lucci in his second strongest form (regular hybrid form) both attacking the same seraphim with both using their own variet of internal destruction attack? Why simply not have luffy in base user advanced ryou in that scene with regular hybrid lucci instead of having luffy in gear 4? Exactly