-Smoker relaying a message from akainu to koby giving him a promotion to vice admiral.
-Drake renouncing himself as leader of sword and handing it to koby
-Grus also being Promoted to Vice Admiral
-Tashigi, Helmeppo, and hibari promoted to commodores
-Sword. Members are going to train with sengoku, momonga, tsuru and fujitora. Let's go!!!!!
-Smoker scolds xdrake to get him out of his funk. Xdrake and smoker going to spar with each other to level up!!!!
- Sengoku looking foward to training Garps protoge in his stead!!!!!
Scene shifts back to egghead:
-Zoro and Nusjuro hitting each other hard with heavy hitting attacks.
-Jinbe vs Mars. Let's go!!!!!
-Kizaru attacks the sunny. SANJI, FRANKY, CHOPPER ANS BROOK VS KIZARU!!!!!!