Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 21 12.6%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 7.2%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 8 4.8%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 105 62.9%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 21 12.6%

  • Total voters

What happened to his senior/boss/superior, and his bosses boss at the same time :usoprice:

We all know Smoker even showing up in the same panel as Luffy is gonna guarantee a humiliation beyond reason :doffytroll:
Kizaru was a mental wreck and still made goofy go down from exhaustion and was up way earlier than him.

And after he killed his friend, he became completely checked out while condom tried his best to rag on kizaru.

After all that, he's still completely fine physically and doesn't even have a scratch :myman:

Here. I have marked the relevant dialogues in red circles. Since apparently it was too hard for you to understand on your own.

York says shes the last punk. ethan says no. Which is then proceeded by Saturn sayinh they have let stella say too much. And Topman saying this is the end for the robot and stella.

It is VERY clear that Ethan was referring to Stella still broadcasting when he refuted York saying she was the only punk left. Because Stella is still spewing the broadcast from inside the Robot.

And also, they literally jumped down clown. Atlas had to sacrifice her life for that since Zolo was too quich to bitch out and get in the ship.

Oda ain't about to make Atlas's sacrifice be worthless by making Ethan catch up to the sunny again and having another useless zoro vs Ethan clash AGAIN.

their interaction for the arc has concluded. They will meet up at EOS.

once again...

If you think Oda wouldn't make a woman sacrificing herself in One Piece a giant fool's errand, there's a lot of One Piece you need to re-read.

The Gorosei have the Voice of All Things. Atlas turned off Lilith's switch to keep her from connecting to Punk Records, which is why York believed Lilith was dead.

V. Nusjuro, who has the Voice of All Things, heard Atlas talk about Lilith, most likely, and at the very least can still sense Lilith's life presence.

Ethanbaron is one of the fastest characters on the island, his speed feat with freezing the Pacifista is ridiculous. If V. Nusjuro can run on ice, he can easily catch up to them.

And, if he can't V. Nusjuro has the range with his slices to attack the Sunny from long distance.
lmao watch it be that damn robot emeth emitting CoC via some science bullshit frequency:shocked:
Emeth+Condom is more likely lol

Nika piece after all :lulz:
If you think Oda wouldn't make a woman sacrificing herself in One Piece a giant fool's errand, there's a lot of One Piece you need to re-read.

The Gorosei have the Voice of All Things. Atlas turned off Lilith's switch to keep her from connecting to Punk Records, which is why York believed Lilith was dead.

V. Nusjuro, who has the Voice of All Things, heard Atlas talk about Lilith, most likely, and at the very least can still sense Lilith's life presence.

Ethanbaron is one of the fastest characters on the island, his speed feat with freezing the Pacifista is ridiculous. If V. Nusjuro can run on ice, he can easily catch up to them.

And, if he can't V. Nusjuro has the range with his slices to attack the Sunny from long distance.
I just don't see oda literally rehashing the same exact clash they had two chapters ago...

How much is oda stalling here?