Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 21 12.6%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 7.2%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 8 4.8%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 105 62.9%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 21 12.6%

  • Total voters

Gorosei Informer

Why not?
1.Oda's always used Sanji as a judge of character (Robin, Viola, Gin, Pudding, etc.) He either accepts them right away when others don't because he sees who they are inside/fooling themselves, or doesn't accept them and is later right.
2. Jimbei cares about his people and their freedom to the point of sacrifice and the CDs snd WG can take advantage of that.
3. He was very eager to finally join at WCI.

Again I don't think it'd be willing, but as a forced plant in the crew. When everyone was saying Jimbei had proven himself, Oda had Sanji looking away.
Jinbeis character from Impel Down to Wano prove this wrong. He risked his life for Luffy multiple times. He is extremely loyal to and supportive of Luffy, extremely fond of him, just like he was with Ace too. This would just be entirely wrong to see. Very forced and out of character.

Jinbei was stuck being part of BMs crew and his homeland being under her "protection", in debt to her due to Whitebeard dying and their island becoming free game for other top tiers/Yonkos or w/e and Luffy is the reason he and his people escaped that too and that FMI is now safe and free from her, especially post Wano too.

This just makes no sense to me and is insulting to Jinbei's character. Jinbei would gladly give his life for Luffy and never betray him. It would be one of the most forced and awful plot twists and storylines I could ever see.

Granted we've had SHs being forced to fight against Luffy and betray him temporarily, but thats all we're gonna get.

Sanji also told Jinbei to kill himself unironically. Is that a great "Judge" of character? or was his "inner Judge" coming out too? Lmfao.

Jinbei even felt guilty/remorseful for what Arlong did to Nami and she forgave him! Given what Arlong did to her and her family and for a decade too at least, that is HUGE! Nami is a much bigger person than I am even! Where as Mr "White Knight" told Jinbei to kill himself, which is not something Nami would approve of either!

I love Sanji but Jinbei is more noble and selfless than he is too.

I just...I just can't fathom this at all, sorry.

I was suspicious of Oda not telling us how Jinbei and the others got away from Big Mom and what happened to the Sun Pirates, he seemed ot make Jinbei evasive about it when the SHs asked him about it during their reunion at Wano, which implied something majorly bad happened at least but I guess being fishmen, they just can swim out of her territory just like that? I guess that works? Anticlimatic but whatever.

Robin may as well be Blackbeard's 10th captain or Brook is. Thats what this is equivalent to for me. Fishman Island should be a Strawhat territory now regardless, under their protection via Jinbei especially.
So another Yonko is protecting them and will actually be protecting them like Whitebeard was, despite Shyarlys prophecy, which I doubt will come true or if it does, it won't be Luffy doing it, but an imposter OR he will do it to save the fishmand island resident's lives somehow.

Also having yet another traitor storyline and a Strawhat at that, would just be awful writing regardless. Jinbei is widely beloved too, including by the crew, so this is just wrong for so many reasons.

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