Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 20 13.5%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 8.1%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 94 63.5%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 17 11.5%

  • Total voters
The Victoria Punk being named after Kid and Killer's childhood love might end up being very important here.

We already know from the Merry that having an emotional connection to your ship is important in the One Piece world.

Kid and Killer named the Victoria Punk after their dead childhood friend, Victoria, after she was murdered by the criminal gang that ruled their island, and they banded together to get revenge for her.

What kind of world are Kid and Killer trying to make by becoming King of the Pirates? Most likely, a world where Victoria would have lived and been happy.

To have their ship destroyed is incredibly personal to them. So, I think Victoria Punk's Klabautermann will come to Kid and Killer, just like the Merry with Usopp, and inspire them to continue.

Unlike most pirates, Kid's Fruit gives him the unique ability to salvage a lot of scrap from the Victoria Punk, and use it for a new ship.

I actually hope Kid makes a ship made mostly of metal, so he can use his magnetism to lift the ship through the air and fly it. Would fit well:

Law's ship goes underwater.

Kid's ship flies.

The Thousand Sunny can do a little of both, capable of brief flight, and having a submarine.
Kids next opponent being Crocodile then.
Peter Pan vs Captain Hook

Gorosei Informer

The Victoria Punk being named after Kid and Killer's childhood love might end up being very important here.

We already know from the Merry that having an emotional connection to your ship is important in the One Piece world.

Kid and Killer named the Victoria Punk after their dead childhood friend, Victoria, after she was murdered by the criminal gang that ruled their island, and they banded together to get revenge for her.

What kind of world are Kid and Killer trying to make by becoming King of the Pirates? Most likely, a world where Victoria would have lived and been happy.

To have their ship destroyed is incredibly personal to them. So, I think Victoria Punk's Klabautermann will come to Kid and Killer, just like the Merry with Usopp, and inspire them to continue.

Unlike most pirates, Kid's Fruit gives him the unique ability to salvage a lot of scrap from the Victoria Punk, and use it for a new ship.

I actually hope Kid makes a ship made mostly of metal, so he can use his magnetism to lift the ship through the air and fly it. Would fit well:

Law's ship goes underwater.

Kid's ship flies.

The Thousand Sunny can do a little of both, capable of brief flight, and having a submarine.
These are fantastic ideas, I really love this! The Klabauttermann appearing for Kidd and Killer, especially it can be a manifestation of Victoria herself somehow would be PERFECT! It's like how I hoped Enma and Ame No Habakiri would have Oden's "haki ghost" in them or something, just a visage or w/e and the same for Wado with Kuina too and the latter would have emerged at Wano, along with Oden from Enma at least?

I love the idea of how useful a mostly metal ship could be for him, although hes gotta be careful to not suck in his ship and potentially dismantle it when he fights lol. Him creating a flying ship would be so perfect, I've wanted to see him fly using his powers somehow or even making his ship do it, as you said. Fujitora used his DF to make ships fly into Dressrosa IIRC? Shiki would definitely do the same too ofc!

I actually wanted to compare Kidd to Shiki earlier too. Shiki was one of the rivals to Roger and never quite had the legacy he did BUT he still still a notable pirate and threat and a complete badass regardless. He did take on Sengoku and Garp at Marineford and destroyed half of it IIRC, the only person to escape Impel Down too, before Luffy unleashed hell there too ofc lol. Shiki did it alone too and sacrificed his legs to make it happen too?

Honestly this kind of respect for their ship from Kidd and Killer, could help to create an even better friendship between him and Franky potentially BUT also garner a lot of respect from Usopp too. They might be mad that they let their precious ship get destroyed like that, but Franky is big hearted and Usopp really loved Merry as we know ofc, so I think they would be not only sympathetic but even empathic/empathethic.

There's so much potential for some SHs at least Elbaf if not even most or all of them and same with Kidd and Killer BUT I'm not getting my hopes up too high, given what happened with Wano and also how utterly neglected Franky is during Egghead, THE science and Vegapunk arc!
There's still time for Franky with Vegapunk and Egghead at least, but I'm not suuuuuupeeeer hopefuly either again, especially since Oda is now forcing Sanji down a science direction massively AND giving him major connections to 2 of the best scientists of the OP world, maybe even 3 potentially! One of them being his father ofc lol. Judge Top 5!
Confirmed by Redon, Etenbody, Lance Dragonite, and Scotch

Chapter 1078: Kidd Pirates: Eustass Captain Kidd
- We see a flashback of Kidd's past. It is the same as in the SBS with more details
- Kidd's home is destroyed by the mob
- Killer's face is shown for the first time, it is mutilated because of gang fighting
- Kidd recalls the despair of losing everything, and has a rage moment unleashing a burst of haki
- The haki pushes away the water and Kidd uses a metal plate to land on Elbaf
- Kidd's metal hand is coated in CoC
- At the end of the chapter we see the same message as 1079 being destroyed as Kidd pulls various metals towards him

- No Break Next Week