If me, @Jaguark101 or @Cream filled donut7 covered Lose Yourself by Eminem:
Verily, dost thou find thyself in a moment,
Where opportunity presenteth itself once,
An instant in which thou may seize,
Or let it slip away, forever gone.
'Neath the surface of thy conscious mind,
The moment spawneth an inner turmoil,
A battle betwixt doubt and hope,
Dost thou stand still or take a step forward?
'Tis an opportunity, once in a lifetime,
To capture, to grasp, to hold on tight,
To everything thou hast ever wanted,
In this moment, dost thou own it, or let it go?
The palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms heavy,
As the moment arriveth, dost thou feel ready?
Or wilt thou let it slip, and fade away,
To wonder for eternity, what might have been?
Success or failure, the stakes are high,
But in this moment, the choice is thine,
Thou art the master of thy own fate,
Choose wisely, or forever hold thyself in hate.
The clock ticks on, time is running out,
Thy moment fadeth, 'tis now or never,
Seize the day, embrace the chance,
Or wilt thou forever wonder, and rue thy stance?
Thou hast but one shot, do not miss,
Opportunity knocketh, it doth not insist,
This may be the only chance thou hast,
To make thy dreams reality, and leave behind the past.
The world watcheth as thou taketh the stage,
The lights are on, and the crowd is engaged,
Thy moment is here, take hold of thy fate,
And make thy mark, before it's too late.
This opportunity cometh but once in a lifetime,
To capture, to grasp, to hold on tight,
To everything thou hast ever wanted,
In this moment, dost thou own it, or let it go?
Not like this Pot! Not like this....

Verily, dost thou find thyself in a moment,
Where opportunity presenteth itself once,
An instant in which thou may seize,
Or let it slip away, forever gone.
'Neath the surface of thy conscious mind,
The moment spawneth an inner turmoil,
A battle betwixt doubt and hope,
Dost thou stand still or take a step forward?
'Tis an opportunity, once in a lifetime,
To capture, to grasp, to hold on tight,
To everything thou hast ever wanted,
In this moment, dost thou own it, or let it go?
The palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms heavy,
As the moment arriveth, dost thou feel ready?
Or wilt thou let it slip, and fade away,
To wonder for eternity, what might have been?
Success or failure, the stakes are high,
But in this moment, the choice is thine,
Thou art the master of thy own fate,
Choose wisely, or forever hold thyself in hate.
The clock ticks on, time is running out,
Thy moment fadeth, 'tis now or never,
Seize the day, embrace the chance,
Or wilt thou forever wonder, and rue thy stance?
Thou hast but one shot, do not miss,
Opportunity knocketh, it doth not insist,
This may be the only chance thou hast,
To make thy dreams reality, and leave behind the past.
The world watcheth as thou taketh the stage,
The lights are on, and the crowd is engaged,
Thy moment is here, take hold of thy fate,
And make thy mark, before it's too late.
This opportunity cometh but once in a lifetime,
To capture, to grasp, to hold on tight,
To everything thou hast ever wanted,
In this moment, dost thou own it, or let it go?
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Not like this Pot! Not like this....