CoC: Color of Clowns

Good Teachers = Good Cartoons >>>>>> Actual School
Come now, we all know Kaido is the type of guy who doesn't wear underwear.

Like back when he conquered Wano? He was pulling a Robert Plant in them leather jeans.
I'm just imagining drunk Kaido running around Onigashima naked, playing random pranks while King, Queen, and Jack chase after him from behind with Seastone cuffs and his clothes.


Welcome to the House of Hope
end game is mid but if you compared to Avatar 2, you know which one is worse.
I appreciate the technical part of Avatar.
How it's constructed.

I also appreciate the gigantic ordeal it was for Endgame to happen, with its huge freaking cast.

But, hear me out.
I'm not the one getting rich from any of them.
So why do I care who earns more?