**Title: "Simping Sad"**
*(The show begins with a mild-mannered Worstgen forum user named Walt. One day, he stumbles upon a thread about "One Piece" characters and becomes obsessed with Zoro. This fascination slowly grows into a wild case of simping, and Walt becomes the infamous "ZoroSimp".)*
Walt (ZoroSimp): "Zoro could defeat Kaido single-handedly!"
*(His friend and former student, Jesse, sees Walt's rapid descent into simping and decides to join in, becoming "KikuKidd".)*
Jesse (KikuKidd): "Kiku is the most graceful samurai, no contest!"
*(Together, they dive into the world of One Piece simping, their obsession growing stronger with each passing chapter. They start creating elaborate theories, producing countless fanarts, and even starting heated debates about their favorite characters.)*
*(Meanwhile, Skyler, Walt's wife, becomes suspicious of his strange behavior. After a little digging, she stumbles upon his secret simping life and becomes "YamatoYesqueen", much to Walt's surprise.)*
Skyler (YamatoYesqueen): "Well, if you can't beat them, join them."
*(Walt's brother-in-law, Hank, an ardent fan of Sanji, stumbles upon their secret world and decides to educate them on the true meaning of simping, becoming "SanjiSage".)*
Hank (SanjiSage): "Sanji is the true epitome of cool. End of discussion."
*(Their group expands as they meet other simpers in the community, including "NamiNavigator", "MihawkMaster", "PeronaPhantom", "BoaBeliever", and even the notoriously unpredictable "BigMommaMan".)*
*(Together, they form a strange, chaotic family, united by their love and simping for One Piece characters. Despite their frequent debates and the occasional all-out forum war, their friendship and shared passion for One Piece continue to keep them together.)*
*(As they navigate through the challenges of their simping life and the wild plot twists of One Piece, they remain committed to their simping cause, making "Simping Sad" a hilarious and heartwarming saga of One Piece fandom.)*
**THE END.**
*(In a hidden thread on Worstgen, ZoroSimp aka Waltuh is passionately defending his claim about Zoro being the strongest. Suddenly, "MikeTheModerator" steps in.)*
MikeTheModerator: "Waltuh, this simping has to stop."
ZoroSimp (Waltuh): "You can't stifle the truth, Mike!"
*(KikuKidd aka Jesse jumps in to back up Waltuh.)*
KikuKidd (Jesse): "Yeah, man! This is our space to appreciate our favorite characters!"
*(Just then, a new post pops up from "SussyGussy" - Gustavo, the owner of the forum, who everyone thought was too busy running the show to partake in the simping chaos.)*
SussyGussy (Gustavo): "Big Mom could single-handedly defeat all the Yonko while baking a cake."
*(There's a moment of silence as everyone processes Gustavo's bold claim. Waltuh is the first to respond.)*
ZoroSimp (Waltuh): "Gustavo? Simping? I never thought I'd see the day."
*(The thread explodes with replies. MikeTheModerator sighs, shaking his head.)*
MikeTheModerator: "Even the big guns have fallen, it seems."
*(From then on, Waltuh, Jesse, and the rest of the crew can't help but look at Gustavo in a different light. After all, if even the stern, unflappable forum owner could simp for Big Mom, then maybe their simping wasn't so bad.)*
*(And so, the forum continues to buzz with debates, theories, and of course, lots of simping, making it a hilarious hotspot of One Piece fandom.)*
**THE END.**