Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 21 13.4%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 7.6%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 7 4.5%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 97 61.8%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 20 12.7%

  • Total voters

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
Chopper blocked Big Mom's no-name attack with Guard Point and held out against her and Prometheus in Monster Point. But yeah, Chopper's greatest moments (in combat) as of late have been him amounting to a capable punching bag for much stronger characters.
I'm gonna be real with you, I completely forgot all of that even happened :ronalugh:

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
1088: The Weak Should Train, Not Complain

-Tashigi feels time slow down (using CoO), and stares at Pizarro's giant arm
-Tashigi realizes she can't cut something that large and fast, and grits her teeth
-A man leaps into the air, and cuts Pizarro's arm apart with ease. It's Bogard
-Tashigi asks Bogard to help Garp, but he states he was ordered to stay on the ship

-Koby also goes into the Matrix, and runs towards Vasco Shot, dodging bullets and fire
-Koby kicks Vasco Shot into one of the giant skull's eyeballs, and then kicks a cannon ball into it, lighting Pizarro's eye on fire due to Vasco's liquor, and making Pizarro scream in pain
-Shiryu attacks Koby from behind, but Koby barely blocks with with both arms, getting partially cut
-Shiryu compliments Koby for guarding, but then states he's still weak
-Garp punches Shiryu away, then knocks Koby away as Aokiji freezes Garp
-Just as Garp is breaking out, Shiryu cuts off his left frozen arm

-Garp punches the ground, knocking everyone away from him
-Garp orders Grus to make a ball of clay, and for Koby and Helmeppo to get into it
-Garp throws the clay ball onto his ship, and tells them to retreat
-As the ship begins to retreat, Pizarro attempts to destroy it again
-Garp grabs Sanjuan Wolf, lifts him up into the air, and then slams him into Pizarro's arms and the ocean, knocking the ship far away with a wave

-Garp as he's surrounded by the silhouettes of smirking and laughing pirates: "You are all the next generation! Don't worry about me! I'll be back to whip you into shape, right after I kick their asses across the sea, hahahaha!"

(Back to Egghead)
-Luffy and Zoro are in Gear 5 and King of Hell, and Sanji's flames are beginning to turn black as they face the Seraphim
-York to OG Vegapunk: "Don't worry... even if the Celestial Dragons betray me, I'll be fine. In fact... the Blackbeard Pirates should be here very soon, heheheheh!"

Editor's Note: "Will Garp Survive? Blackbeard's power grows!"

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
It really was. Drake vs Chopper and Apoo vs Brook would’ve given everyone an actual fight
Apoo vs Brook is being saved for Blackbeard fights, since Apoo was always a double agent for the Blackbeard Pirates infiltrating the Beast Pirates, just like Drake was an Agent of Sword infiltrating them.

But, can Apoo even damage Brook, if Brook doesn't have ears?????? YOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!!

But seriously I want this to happen so badly.