LMFAO, TYVM MAN! Right?! I literally could not think of a more perfect representation of those 2, of Kidds writing and Shanks "shanking" Kidd, as he literally does here too many times ofc! Its genuinely poetic! Its one of those things, I can't even be mad because its so fucking hilarious and fitting!
The original sketch as well as some of their others had me dying of laughter, they are such absolutely hilarious, genius, talented bastards along with Dave Chappelle and some others ofc lol.
I'm very honoured and flattered man, really glad you enjoyed it to much and you appreciating how well it works with them too, I was legit so proud of how this turned out and the idea itself, actually comitting to it too and perservering to complete it, despite how much hell it gave me too!
I swear I've got Kidd's "luck" LMAO! It's no wonder I'm such a fan of his!