Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 21 12.6%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 7.2%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 8 4.8%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 105 62.9%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 21 12.6%

  • Total voters

Gorosei Informer

My source told me that Kizaru meets Kaido and BM in this chapter :quest:
Depending on how things play out, he might indeed "meet them" in one certain way!


(I don't think he will, especially this soon but if Oda had the balls to kill off an Admiral, I'd be impressed honestly. There's some hope since he's killed off 3 Yonkos now too, so hes gotta balance that shit out too somehow! Although I was expecting Fuji, Kuzan or Green Bull to be the ones to die or eventually Akainu lol, especially if Akainu follows the Inspector Javert similarities too.)

I thought Garp might die at Egghead but I'm sure if he was gonna die, Oda would have shown it instead. He's gonna be fine regardless imo, especially with Odas track record. Oda likes to make deaths matter and only does them when he really feels they should matter but he fucked up the "deaths" of Kaido, Big Mom, Ashura and Izo, I don't even know what to say to that. I would also argue Shaka if he's really dead and especially Pythagoras too then.

Oda also made comments about he hopes nobody dies in the final saga, he wants to have a massive party for the end of OP and can't let anyone die due to it, that he wants to make the story goofier even if his readers hate it and he just wants to write what he wants, for his own entertainment and I respect that but I worry he might get too out of control and ruin the story even more too.

It kinda feels like hes having a major midlife crisis atm honestly, espceially with how much he spammed those extremely annoying, forced eye popping out gag faces 4 times in one chapter last chapter or so! I can tolerate and even enjoy Gear 5 but hes really flanderising it at breakneck speeds right now!

I really need to hear from him on his decisions on Wano and what actually went wrong and how/why, how much he's willing to admit and explain and how self aware he is. The most disastrous arc I've ever seen, even worse than Bleach and Fairy Tail's final arcs imo. Or at least equal to them.

The writing has been much better outside of Egghead and these past few chapters though, so there is hope too to be fair.
