Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 21 13.4%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 7.6%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 7 4.5%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 97 61.8%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 20 12.7%

  • Total voters

Gorosei Informer

Nicely worded ! I wish well to any fan base, and I know coping when things look bad is a normal thing. I am well aware that Usopp probably will never be in the top 10 in the verse, even by the end of one piece, that's not what I want anyway. Likewise, I just want Usopp to fulfill his dream, become a fearless warrior of the seas, and show us a fun and creative way to fight against Van Auger and others. His specific type of observation, haki, was a good start. I hope Oda builds up on that. We already had a nice teaser in Film Red with usopp and Yasopp showcasing dimensional haki communication.


Now that needs to become canon.

Oh yeah, the Yasopp and Usopp haki connection moment in Red was fantastic! I just PRAY thats not all we're gonna get for them ofc! Usopp and Yasopp is much more important to me than Usopp vs Auger even but ideally I want Oda to do justice to both somehow!

Tyvm anyway! Aye thats true, Usopp fans have it some of the hardest to be fair. I thought Oda was gonna do something meaningful with Toko using his toad oil to try to save Yasuie and his guilt and regrets over tricking Toko like that and also him being helpless against Ulti and Page One and not being able to save Nami, but you know Oda loves dropping that ball many times apparently! Oda even "forgot" he gave Usopp haki! I kinda wanted to see him take on some kind of Ultra (Usopp) Instinct to keep dodging Ulti and Page One and doing some crazy Sogeking type shit to beat one of them somehow!

Yeah, I'm still chomping for Oda to not fuck up Usopp becoming a brave warrior of the sea, Elbaf is the PERFECT and imo the ONLY arc where he can truly do that, hopefully witnessed by his father too somehow as well as becoming the hero of Elbaf and the giants once and for all too. Warrior King/Emperor/God Usopp of Elbaf has a nice ring to it too!

Usopps haki could be phenomenal vs Augers warp fruit somehow and his IMMENSE range and speed, if Oda lets him. Obviously Usopp would need a LOT more growth with it and he should get future sight regardless, thats probably gonna be the key to countering Augers teleportation too and beating him too then.

Usopp has amazing range with his haki and we know Auger has AMAZING range too somehow, sniping those seagulls above the sea whilst he was WAY far away on Jaya or w/e? Him and Usopp could have the CRAZIEST long distance battle if Oda actually maanges it somehow!

Big Jack Horner is Big Mom doing right :goyea:
Lmao honestly true!

Gorosei Informer

What's the bigger deal in Japanese culture

Ushi-oni or Yamata no orochi?
Orochi AFAIK, that the one I've always heard far more about and seen way more of in Japanese media. Its why I was so hyped for it seeing depictions of it in other series, especially Okamis amazing take on it too.

Assuming that isnt a rhetorical question or something ofc lol.