Here's one version I came up with lol, Iwould have to do a lot more tweaking to make it fit the actual plot of the film but this isnt bad so far to be fair! :
Title: "Pot Goblin's Munchie Mix-Up"
In the enchanting world of Fairytale Forest, a tale as old as time was about to get a twist even more peculiar than a rubbery pirate! It all began with our beloved @Pot Goblin, who had an unhealthy obsession with Carrot, the quirky rabbit from One Piece. Pot Goblin, who often went by the name Boingo, had devised an elaborate plan to take over the forest with his carrot-themed schemes.
The story kicked off when @Shimotsuki Ghostly, an ordinary girl who adored adventures and had a penchant for wearing bright red hoodies, ventured into the forest to visit her Granny Puckett. Little did Ghostly know that her journey would soon be filled with carrot chaos.
As Ghostly merrily strolled through the woods, @Mr. Reloaded, a wolf with a love for questionable disguises, emerged from the bushes. Instead of gobbling Ghostly up, he decided to interview her about her carrot consumption habits. He was, after all, an investigative journalist by night!
Just when things started to get weirder, @MonsterKaido, an eccentric squirrel with a fondness for eating smiley fruits, started twitching uncontrollably as he saw Ghostly and Mr. Reloaded. He couldn't resist joining in on the interview, blurting out squirrelly conspiracy theories and carrot facts like there was no tomorrow.
Meanwhile, @Rottkins, the quirky yet highly intelligent woodsman of the forest, observed the bizarre scene from a distance. He was known for his eccentricities, like wearing a top hat made of acorns and reading existentialist poetry to trees. Rottkins decided to conduct his own investigation into the unusual interview, pondering the deeper philosophical meaning of carrots in the grand tapestry of life.
@Bepo D Bear, the lovable Chief Grizzly, heard about the commotion and waddled over to the scene with his trusty bamboo staff. He was determined to keep the peace and ensure that no carrots were harmed in the process.
Mike Tesla (@Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier), the eccentric Detective Bill Stork, swooped in, declaring that he had been hot on the trail of a notorious carrot thief. With his magnetic personality and electrifying one-liners, he promised to crack the case wide open.
@Krusher1357 , a goat named Japeth who lived on the outskirts of the forest, appeared on the scene riding a unicycle and playing a banjo. He provided a musical interlude that had everyone scratching their heads, wondering how it was related to carrots.
Amidst the chaos, Pot Goblin, masquerading as Boingo, watched from the shadows, rubbing his carrot-shaped amulet with glee. He had orchestrated this absurd spectacle to divert everyone's attention while he executed his master plan to turn the entire forest into a carrot paradise.
As the forest's zaniest characters attempted to unravel the carrot conspiracy, @CoC Colour of Clowns, playing the role of Granny Puckett, burst onto the scene in a flurry of laughter and oversized shoes. She handed out exploding carrot pies, further adding to the mayhem.
In the end, Rottkins, in a fit of brilliant eccentricity, pieced together the puzzle and uncovered Pot Goblin's devious carrot plot. With the help of his fellow forest-dwellers, they thwarted the carrot-obsessed villain's plans and restored order to Fairytale Forest.
And so, the day was saved, and Fairytale Forest returned to its usual quirky but peaceful self, with the memory of Pot Goblin's Munchie Mix-Up forever etched in its peculiar history.
It also thought Pot was a Pot Smoker with the first results it gave!
@CoC: Color of Clowns I can only apologise for making you the granny here too LMAO! I also volunteered myself to be Red Riding Hood as I didnt know who else to make her be! LOL!

Here's a script for it too!:
Title: "Pot Goblin's Munchie Mix-Up - The Comedy Script"
[Ghostly, dressed in her bright red hoodie, skips through the forest, munching on a carrot.]
Ghostly: (singing) Tra la la, carrots are great, they make my day so grand!
[Mr. Reloaded, disguised as a tree stump, pops out, wearing a fedora.]
Mr. Reloaded: (in a gruff, journalistic tone) Hold it right there, missy! Care to share your thoughts on carrot consumption?
Ghostly: (startled) Uh, what? Who are you?
[MonsterKaido, twitching uncontrollably in a tree, falls to the ground.]
MonsterKaido: (frantic) Did someone say carrots? I must know more!
[Rottkins, wearing a top hat made of acorns, appears, stroking his beard.]
Rottkins: (philosophical) Carrots, my dear friends, are the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe.
[Bepo D Bear waddles over, bamboo staff in hand.]
Bepo D Bear: (cheerful) What seems to be the trouble, folks? Let's all just calm down and appreciate the beauty of carrots!
[Mike Tesla, with a comically oversized detective magnifying glass, lands dramatically.]
Mike Tesla: (dramatic) I've been tracking a carrot thief! This smells electrifyingly suspicious!
[Krusher enters on a unicycle, playing a banjo, and singing nonsense.]
Krusher: (singing) Banjo, unicycle, and carrots in the air, I'm here to entertain and add to the flair!
[Everyone stares at Krusher in confusion.]
[CoC Colour of Clowns, dressed as Granny Puckett, enters with exploding carrot pies.]
CoC Colour of Clowns: (laughing hysterically) Who wants a carrot pie? Boom! Haha!
[The chaos escalates as pies explode, sending carrot bits flying.]
[Pot Goblin (Boingo) rubs his carrot-shaped amulet, watching the chaos on a crystal ball.]
Pot Goblin: (maniacal laughter) They're all falling for it! Soon, the forest will be mine… all mine!
[Rottkins, having a eureka moment, raises a twig.]
Rottkins: (eccentric) I've got it! The carrots are a metaphor for the passage of time!
[Everyone stares at Rottkins, utterly perplexed.]
[Pot Goblin grows impatient, watching Rottkins on a hidden camera.]
Pot Goblin: (frustrated) What is he talking about? Get back to eating carrots!
[Rottkins gathers everyone around for a philosophical lecture.]
Rottkins: (passionate) You see, my dear friends, carrots are like life itself. We must savor them, for they lead us down winding paths of enlightenment!
[Ghostly and the others exchange puzzled glances.]
[Pot Goblin pulls his carrot-shaped amulet nervously.]
Pot Goblin: (whispering) Curse you, Rottkins! You're ruining everything!
[Suddenly, Rottkins spots a trail of carrot crumbs leading to Pot Goblin's cave.]
Rottkins: (triumphant) A clue! Follow me, my carrot crusaders! We're close to solving the mystery!
[Everyone charges toward the cave, creating a chaotic stampede.]
[Panicked, Pot Goblin tries to escape, but is confronted by the forest-dwellers.]
Pot Goblin: (defeated) You may have won this time, but carrots will always be my true love!
[They tie up Pot Goblin with carrot vines.]
[The forest-dwellers cheer, and Krusher plays a celebratory banjo tune.]
Krusher: (singing) Banjo, unicycle, and carrots we defend, our forest is safe, it's a happy end!
[Everyone joins in dancing and celebrating, even Pot Goblin, who can't resist the carrot-themed party, with carrot confetti raining down.]]