@Kizaruber Eats
I have great news. I recently did training to improve myself as a user, and it was productive.
My training was to start doing things that I had never done before, like being active in the general chat section, and in doing so, focusing on making worthwhile posts about worthwhile matters.
All my recent posts have been chill and good. I really feel like with my recent personal growth, I'm finally having great interactions with people on this forum.
It was while you were away. Do you want me to pass you the links to my recent posts, so you can participate in them and see how much I've changed ? (When you have free time for it, of course. No need to rush.)
This is my birthday month. There is one thing I want everyone on the forum to do when they wish me happy birthday on my profile.
I want everyone to comment on my recent character development. I want to know if people here appreciate my development and think I'm a better user now than I was before.