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Formerly Seth

The fantastic beast movies are really weird magic wise and introduced many things the previous books/movies didn’t have.

But Voldy was called the strongest/darkest/evilest/best dark lord one or two times in the books if I remember well.

Give a elder wand that works to Voldy and he can erase tte whole verse
Rayan, Rayan. No one cares.

We all know what people wait for in the next one:finally::finally::finally::finally:


Pepebusi Spammer
Voldy is the main bad for the main hero of the verse. Story wise he is likely the strongest of all.

And once again you can see that the magic between the fantastic beast movies and the magic in the previous movies is quite different.

I feel like magic is much more versatile, powerful and weird in the new movies compared to previous movies. I think it’s a bit unfair to compare.
I thought the Fantastic Beast film series was still being written by Rowling so wouldn’t it be canon?

I do agree, that the magic shown in FB is almost incomparable to the original HP movies and even in the books where magic fights are very limited (its basically shitty beam fights especially in the movies). I think Rowling actually realized how badly she handled that aspect and try to rectify it in FB. Too bad the other aspects of FB is so mediocre…
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