Deleted member 83

Lmfaoooo I imagined. Poor poor Jack.

You see the new episode?
Yes!!! Finally a hunt! By the great Nanuqsaurus! They look amazing with the snow on their fur. Though I wish they’d show us the actual killing but the process was well made, the first sequence was also pretty nice
Really excited for next chapter, my favorites seem to all have some screen time
But I’ll be honest I’ll be disappointed if spinosaurus make no appearance in this series
Mihawk really has no place to fight Zoro now, or really only one condition - after everything ib OP is done, or he earlier WSS, Luffy as thr PK needs to have his right hand man as the WSS.

The problem is there's no tension to Zoro vs Mihawk, it's now a fight to surpass his master, while no problem with that how does a fight like that take place in possible scenarios like:

OP is found, Straw hats vs BBP, void century info, world turned upside down, fight against the WG, meanwhile in the middle of all that Zoro fights to surpass his master.
Everything in One Piece became about muh evil government evil aristocrats hurr durr.
It stopped being about pirates having an adventure.
There is no more space for personal duels or personal character development, it's all about kissing the Messiah's feet and sAviNg TEh wOrLd.
Everything in One Piece became about muh evil government evil aristocrats hurr durr.
It stopped being about pirates having an adventure.
There is no more space for personal duels or personal character development, it's all about kissing the Messiah's feet and sAviNg TEh wOrLd.
IMO Wano shows that there's still character development from the main cast
It's just Zoro vs Mihawk's always been kinda empty as far as emotional stakes go at least to me


I will never forgive Oda
Yes!!! Finally a hunt! By the great Nanuqsaurus! They look amazing with the snow on their fur. Though I wish they’d show us the actual killing but the process was well made, the first sequence was also pretty nice
Really excited for next chapter, my favorites seem to all have some screen time
I really thought they'd show it a bit more too. They spent so much time on the hunt then gave us an aerial view of the kill lol. Total blue balls.

IDK about you but that mosquito scene reminded me of something disturbing...

Triceratops and Quetzalcoatlus seem to be the highlighted species IIRC. I'm hoping (expecting) the best Rex scene out of the series here.
But I’ll be honest I’ll be disappointed if spinosaurus make no appearance in this series[/QUOTE]
But I’ll be honest I’ll be disappointed if spinosaurus make no appearance in this series

Uh.... I think this entire show covers the last 5~ million years of the cretaceous period...

Gorosei Informer

mihawk was never meant to be one:pepehands:
Oda always planned for a Mihawk-esque figure imo. In Monsters there's a very discount version of him and I emphasise that a lot. At least it's speculated that it was meant to be a prototype of Mihawk and some of Oda's planned concepts for characters changed drastically too for OP.

Ironically this guy is a completely corrupt, greedy fraud ironically and Mihawk slanderers/haters LOVE to accuse Mihawk of being a fraud too, which is a gloriously braindead take but I digress.

Also ironically Ryuuma "the Sword God" wrecked this charlatan easily and swiftly and Mihawk was introduced by instantly taking down the " @MonsterZoro " too.



We have been hyped for Zoro vs Mihawk for over 20 years. Oda cant just go and give him a new opponent he just pulls out of thin air.
I'm not saying he would do that. I'm saying if Mihawk didn't exist. I'm a Mihawk superfan so trust me I know how important that hype, I only rant about it on here every now and then lol.
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I've only just got online on here too and we're already arguing semantics anyway, never change WG.

Mihawk really has no place to fight Zoro now, or really only one condition - after everything ib OP is done, or he earlier WSS, Luffy as thr PK needs to have his right hand man as the WSS.

The problem is there's no tension to Zoro vs Mihawk, it's now a fight to surpass his master, while no problem with that how does a fight like that take place in possible scenarios like:

OP is found, Straw hats vs BBP, void century info, world turned upside down, fight against the WG, meanwhile in the middle of all that Zoro fights to surpass his master.
Yeah I've also started wondering too when the fuck is Zoro supposed to fight Mihawk in the shitstorm that the world's about to be during the next arcs lol
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Oda always planned for a Mihawk-esque figure imo. In Monsters there's a very discount version of him and I emphasise that a lot. At least it's speculated that it was meant to be a prototype of Mihawk and some of Oda's planned concepts for characters changed drastically too for OP.

Ironically this guy is a completely corrupt, greedy fraud ironically and Mihawk slanderers/haters LOVE to accuse Mihawk of being a fraud too, which is a gloriously braindead take but I digress.

Also ironically Ryuuma "the Sword God" wrecked this charlatan easily and swiftly and Mihawk was introduced by instantly taking down the " @MonsterZoro " too.


Ngl but I like this proto version of Mihawk more than the real thing lol

Gorosei Informer

Everything in One Piece became about muh evil government evil aristocrats hurr durr.
It stopped being about pirates having an adventure.
There is no more space for personal duels or personal character development, it's all about kissing the Messiah's feet and sAviNg TEh wOrLd.
Thats exactly my issue with it too. It's lost most of its heart, soul, spirit whatever, that sense of adventure and charm. We still got some of it post TS though ofc but its a lot weaker than it was pre TS.

OP has felt a lot more generic and typical overarching evil supremacist and corrupt government plots, I read OP to GET AWAY from that fucking reality daily, I don't get that escapism anymore frim OP and I hate it.

I wanted OP to grow up in some ways and i used to want to grow up for most of my life but now I regret it immensely and like a lot of people, just want to regress, go back to innocent and childhood days, to be able to actually enjoy life and be stress and responsibility free.

I feel the OP fanbase is ironically like the Smile afflicted users, the ones who "failed" I mean and stuck as pseudo Jokers/on permanent laughing gas. Stepford Smilers exaggerating how much they really enjoy the series and how happy it makes them and how "fun" it is. Hence the overexaggerated posts on Reddit, Twitter and especially Youtube with those obnoxious, sensationalist titles, thumbnails, reactions and such but Twitter and Reddit also do it verbally and such too.

That's why I'm glad for the Toon Force shenanigans of Gear 5th too. It brought back things to the awesomely lovable, fantastic, no holds barred nonsense and wacky hijinks of pre TS OP especially earlier on in it and it didnt feel like a fucking chore to get through episodes and chapters. OP is trying way too fucking hard now, it overcompensates too much, too much delusions of grandeur and the fanbase has to attempt superhuman levels of mental gymnastics to try to deny/disprove that and claim its never been better than before somehow, that somehow the post TS is BETTER which is completely insane imo.

But nothing good in life including the best moments never last forever and always felt they were never around for long enough. I'm grateful for what we got but I'm never going to stop missing it and wish we could have gotten more of it, more time with it like that one person you lose who you were close to and wish you could see them again, see more of them, spend more time with them, not waste what you had with them and take it for granted.

Seeing Luffy humiliate Kaido like that was extremely catharthic tbh and it was a fantastic tribute to the history of animation and cartoons and thus what we and Oda grew up and inspired him especially but also us too. For the first time in a long fucking time in this arc, since the beginning of it, I've finally truly enjoyed it and felt happy as briefly as it lasts. The rest of it has just been disappointment, misery, frustration except some extremely brief moments here and there.

One Piece is now Luffy Piece for the most part when I grew up loving ALL the SHs, each of them invidually and especially together as a crew. They barely feel like a crew anymore to me now. Oda split them up for years for both IRL and in-story, more so IRL ofc and shoehorned hundreds of new characters and some right in our faces that we're supposed to appreciate, love, enjoy, cry for and such but are written so fucking shallowly and way worse than the SHs were, who were also flanderised and ruined post TS too.

Sorry for the biting cynicism but I'm really not in a good mood today as you can see. I'm also extremely sour over this chapter too.
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Ngl but I like this proto version of Mihawk more than the real thing lol
That's fair, I don't at all.

Yeah I've also started wondering too when the fuck is Zoro supposed to fight Mihawk in the shitstorm that the world's about to be during the next arcs lol
Shanks arc. Or it will be some kind of kung fu/Japanese movie type epilogue where they seek each other out once the main adventure and story is over and we get the grandest of all duels to end the story and end on an extremely massive high that we've waited decades for.
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Oh no, i didn't say that Mihawk wasnit supposed to exist.
But the addition of the Shichibukai forced Oda to add him to this group
Ah right. I thought he was added in as part of the Warlords too as they were last minute additions too, your post made me think about that possibility. I can't believe I never thought of it before given what we know. But I've always felt Mihawk was an intended character from the beginning of OP at least or even before it.
Thats exactly my issue with it too. It's lost most of its heart, soul, spirit whatever, that sense of adventure and charm. We still got some of it post TS though ofc but its a lot weaker than it was pre TS.

OP has felt a lot more generic and typical overarching evil supremacist and corrupt government plots, I read OP to GET AWAY from that fucking reality daily, I don't get that escapism anymore frim OP and I hate it.
I guess for many people it's satisfying to see evil governments being taken down hence these stories being popular with audiences and generating much money.
If they like it so much they should take down evil governments irl instead of reading it in some story.:kobeha: Escapism only works for a limited amount of time.

Gorosei Informer

Which is all that's wrong with this industry.
One Piece has become a story that defeats its own purpose.
I've noticed this with any series/artist/activist or whatever that goes on for too long, they become a parody of what they set out to be or stop/change. They become what they hate/fight against/satirise. Its cliche but that saying "you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain" is very apt here.

Don't even get me started how fucking hypocritical and actually evil Tama's powers are and thus contradict the themes of OP and this arc too particularly. But little girl cute and shes helping the alliance and can do no wrong! I'm glad a lot of the fanbase has noticed this and called it out though. Odas Momotaro influences have also ruined the story in this way lmfao.

I still even suspect Tamas DF may have been the reason Zunesha has been commanded to walk for its entire lifetime or w/e too! The previous user or w/e...Or Imu or whoever made them do it, used some kind of Naruto style eye hax power or some kind of command/mind control fruit or something.
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Law's looks fucking awesome. Lawsome even. Kidd lowkey got that Silver Chariot going on.
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I guess for many people it's satisfying to see evil governments being taken down hence these stories being popular with audiences and generating much money.
If they like it so much they should take down evil governments irl instead of reading it in some story.:kobeha: Escapism only works for a limited amount of time.
Yeah, I suppose they self insert in these stories and feel like they are making a difference somehow, that feel good factor. Its kinda like satisfying certain needs and desires so to speak.

I just wanted a simple pirate adventure. But muh saving the world from devastation, corruption, tyranny and whatever stakes! I've invested way too long and too much of myself into this series to quit but the more this story gets dragged out, overinflated and oversaturated and the older I get, the more bitter I become.


I will never forgive Oda
Oh shit was that stated anywhere lol now everything makes so much sense, I was wondering why the species seem a bit too limited
I saw people mentioning it online and it made sense to me, considering what species have been showcased and repeated plenty.

Hopefully if this is successful they take snapshots of other periods in the Mesozoic.

Gorosei Informer

Pray for me for two weeks are my finals and I have to bring all projects for them BUT my friend works on getting for us extra week due to problems on our academy. :josad: How will I do all of that?
I've called in reinforcements, the clown cavalry to help you!:

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LMFAO, doesnt help she looks like Carina, Nami's friend from Film Gold for me too hahahaha!

But wait there's more!
