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Also I think you‘re Town, Prof, and would like you to look at the full picture. Tunnel vision isn‘t healthy.
I’m looking at everything else happening too. And engaging with the things around me still. And also have already said I plan to be done with engaging with Nat on it for a minute. Good intention or not, you’re just good guying what I’ve already said I’m gonna do here lol.

And part benefit to a continued call out is to draw attention to a thing and make a big enough stink about it that people will remember it if I ever die. Which I think is probably established by now.

I’m gonna have to start working now and will be back EoD lol


ok do u think i am from a different team or am i bussing my mate or whats happening here between us

i scum read her for similar reasons mind you, independent of her town reading TAC for reasons i dont agree with
so what exactly did you read Nat on, cause when i called her out on her first statement you refered to it as a "gotcha moment" and nothing more....


What could have been...
so what exactly did you read Nat on, cause when i called her out on her first statement you refered to it as a "gotcha moment" and nothing more....
because tht was silly gotcha. her saying she will not read then proceeding to read is not something scummy. u can argue she felt compelled to solve, did u do so? she wasnt really under pressure to do so

if u read like 20% of my posts with both ur eyes open u will realize that i scum read her for how she approached me and dest using maths instead of our actual arguments
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