General & Others Onigashima size chart

Show me that magazine is written by Oda. I guess if you so vehemently subscribe to magazines, you must be firm believer of the notion that Kaidos head will be cut by Zoro?

Show me where Oda states the size of Pica is only 3 times size of coliseum

Magazine is farthest thing from Canon even far away from data books, talking about data books are you form believer in Zoro = Luffy after what @Fenaker showed you because data book is much more canon than a magazine

Saying Pica is only 3 times the size of coliseum is going against every single panel Oda drew in manga, it is around 5 times the size of coliseum, maybe even 6 times
I agree that the magazine is not a canon, but the photo is directly from Eichiro Oda's office, unless you believe that the magazine forged the photos
I agree that the magazine is not a canon, but the photo is directly from Eichiro Oda's office, unless you believe that the magazine forged the photos
And what source do you have for that?
And you understand that photo is in Odas office doesn't mean its canon and its subject to change.

Only way you can use that magazine photo is if it complements the Canon and contradict it.

Every single panel indicates King Plateu being less than half of Picas height as Zoro was thrown from flow hill and sliced Picas waste and was around same height as top of King plateu.

King plateau was around 2.5 times the size of coloseium. That makes Pica at least 5 times as big as coloseium, most likely 6 times

critical mindset

I agree that the magazine is not a canon, but the photo is directly from Eichiro Oda's office, unless you believe that the magazine forged the photos
What you fail to understand is that the Colosseum stands
500m tall :cheers:
Hey guys, idk if its been posted before but some people calced the size of onigashima and here is a rough chart of it.

What do you guys think? That place is huge.
if thats true then its bigger than Marineford and San Juan who is 180m tall

and thats just 180m so Onigashima is a very big island much bigger than Marineford

I dont wanna know how tall that freaking skull is then if even San Juan is small on this island
if thats true then its bigger than Marineford and San Juan who is 180m tall

and thats just 180m so Onigashima is a very big island much bigger than Marineford

I dont wanna know how tall that freaking skull is then if even San Juan is small on this island
Those are some insane drawing skills my friend :p, sanjuan looking thicc
Onigashima is a weird one, tbh. Need to see more of the inside of the skull.

The radius and diameter of the island seem to be fairly standard island size, but the buildings are humongous.

Marco also called it a small island in this chapter.