Future Events Pe D. Ro is alive and next Strawhat

Pedro should have been alive and Jinbe should have brought him along to Onigashima.

Although nowadays his powerlevel sounds really weak, as we know whole Sulong minks together included 3 Musketeers, Blackback, Roddy and everyone else just minus the Dukes combined, still failed to beat Jack that was together only with fodders and 1 Number.
But I think Oda has 1 solution to power him up drastically: by restoring his 50 years old stolen lifespan.
So all his perfomance we seen in WCI was coming from 82 years old Pedro, while restored lifespan will be totally different strength of 32 years old.

Olin and her kind nature was a foreshadowing, how she will be willing to restore Pedro's stolen lifespan.