Speculations People Who Compare Characters Do Not Get Laid

People Who Compare Characters Do Not Get Laid
I discovered a while ago that most people who argue about politics don't get laid. However, the core of that subject deals with making comparisons. People who make comparisons are often insecure. Why are people insecure? Because they don't get laid (nobody accepts them). They don't get laid, and then they hyper-focus on trying to compare with other people in some way because they think it'll help them feel better.

This same mentality is true for people who compare characters. They don't really enjoy One Piece because of the story - instead, they are mostly reading the story to fulfill a need. This is called a striving attitude and it's unhealthy. When you are trying to compare yourself or things you're attached to with other people or things they're attached to, you're not really enjoying what you're doing. Most people on this website are like this, and they do not actually care about the story itself.

So... I'm going to point out the obvious - you guys fight so much about Vs. battles and obsess about Sanji and Zoro because you don't get laid. It's your way of trying to make up for it. Nerds.

Note: If you question this, ask yourself one question - would you have sex with someone who is constantly arguing about something? Most people wouldn't. It's a big turn-off.
If anybody is going to be a gatekeeper here it's the mods. Not you.

This thread will be removed later. It's an opportunity to reflect on the fact most Vs. battles and Sanji/Zoro comparisons are a result of insecure people and their need to overcompensate for a small wiener.
Only you would try to correlate thinking Zoro is above Sanji or Sanji is above Zoro to having a small cock lol
Seems like you're the one compensating.
People Who Compare Characters Do Not Get Laid
I discovered a while ago that most people who argue about politics don't get laid. However, the core of that subject deals with making comparisons. People who make comparisons are often insecure. Why are people insecure? Because they don't get laid (nobody accepts them). They don't get laid, and then they hyper-focus on trying to compare with other people in some way because they think it'll help them feel better.

This same mentality is true for people who compare characters. They don't really enjoy One Piece because of the story - instead, they are mostly reading the story to fulfill a need. This is called a striving attitude and it's unhealthy. When you are trying to compare yourself or things you're attached to with other people or things they're attached to, you're not really enjoying what you're doing. Most people on this website are like this, and they do not actually care about the story itself.

So... I'm going to point out the obvious - you guys fight so much about Vs. battles and obsess about Sanji and Zoro because you don't get laid. It's your way of trying to make up for it. Nerds.

Note: If you question this, ask yourself one question - would you have sex with someone who is constantly arguing about something? Most people wouldn't. It's a big turn-off.
Or some People just do this for fun and are bored. Some people here to troll. You could say the same for any fanbases Whether it be sports or Music fan base like Hip Hop for example its the same shit. Basically It ain't that deep. let people have fun 🤷🏽‍♂️ before you call me out i got my own Feats on Snap Chat if you know what i mean :pepebusi::pepebusi::pepebusi:
Well I know what happens when you bring up those discussions with a girlfriend when you watch One Piece together. She'll tell you to shut the fk up and just watch the show.

Does it get repetitive and boring when Sanji and Zoro fans are at each other's throats? Yes, I 100% agree. But man, get off that ivory tower of yours, seems to me you're just projecting a little bit.
Eh you guys will pretend.

I'm doing this for your benefit. You compare yourselves to others and fight all the time. It's unhealthy, but you'll continue to do it because it's the only way you can feel good about yourselves.

Sanji Vs. Zoro arguments are just people making up for insecurities.

Only about 20% of people who contribute to content here really care about the story. The other 80% are here because they feel a need to compare themselves to others through their favorite characters (It's weird to me and I'd never do that).

Every person who says stuff like they only read One Piece because they like the Vs. debates (arguments) is basically not even a fan of the story. They're just using the story because it's popular to have something other people will give them attention for. Otherwise nobody would care what they're talking about or comparing with.
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Eh you guys will pretend.

I'm doing this for your benefit. You compare yourselves to others and fight all the time. It's unhealthy, but you'll continue to do it because it's the only way you can feel good about yourselves.

Sanji Vs. Zoro arguments are just people making up for insecurities.
Pretend what? I just think you're being incredibly smug, even though you're primarily insulting people I personally don't like.
Eh you guys will pretend.

I'm doing this for your benefit. You compare yourselves to others and fight all the time. It's unhealthy, but you'll continue to do it because it's the only way you can feel good about yourselves.

Sanji Vs. Zoro arguments are just people making up for insecurities.

Only about 20% of people who contribute to content here really care about the story. The other 80% are here because they feel a need to compare themselves to others through their favorite characters (It's weird to me and I'd never do that).

Every person who says stuff like they only read One Piece because they like the Vs. debates (arguments) is basically not even a fan of the story. They're just using the story because it's popular to have something other people will give them attention for. Otherwise nobody would care what they're talking about or comparing with.
Brother, you're losing your mind because they're powerscaling.
Think about that.
It's not even an inherently toxic or sad topic. It's not like they're being racist or anything, they're just talking about which fictional character can beat the other.
You have a problem with something that's relatively small especially when compared to real problems.
People Who Compare Characters Do Not Get Laid
I discovered a while ago that most people who argue about politics don't get laid. However, the core of that subject deals with making comparisons. People who make comparisons are often insecure. Why are people insecure? Because they don't get laid (nobody accepts them). They don't get laid, and then they hyper-focus on trying to compare with other people in some way because they think it'll help them feel better.

This same mentality is true for people who compare characters. They don't really enjoy One Piece because of the story - instead, they are mostly reading the story to fulfill a need. This is called a striving attitude and it's unhealthy. When you are trying to compare yourself or things you're attached to with other people or things they're attached to, you're not really enjoying what you're doing. Most people on this website are like this, and they do not actually care about the story itself.

So... I'm going to point out the obvious - you guys fight so much about Vs. battles and obsess about Sanji and Zoro because you don't get laid. It's your way of trying to make up for it. Nerds.

Note: If you question this, ask yourself one question - would you have sex with someone who is constantly arguing about something? Most people wouldn't. It's a big turn-off.
I dont think people here talk about one piece or powerscalling in their real life