Speculations People Who Compare Characters Do Not Get Laid

@MonsterZoro u know what to do know bruv, don't compare sanji to anyone and u gonna get laid fast:kata:
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Well I know what happens when you bring up those discussions with a girlfriend when you watch One Piece together. She'll tell you to shut the fk up and just watch the show.

Not stopping traxex to creating a comparing Character thread about Zoro and Sanji while he "admit" that he had a girlfriend:sanmoji:

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
Does it get repetitive and boring when Sanji and Zoro fans are at each other's throats? Yes, I 100% agree. But man, get off that ivory tower of yours, seems to me you're just projecting a little bit.

As cringe as it might be to see people unironically still using Doruki whenever Lucci and Kaku get brought up, this thread regardless is pretty yikes.

Not that deep.
People Who Compare Characters Do Not Get Laid
I discovered a while ago that most people who argue about politics don't get laid.
Where did you discover it? Is there research regarding that matter? Or do you find that out on your own? How did you find this out on your own? Did you do research?
However, the core of that subject deals with making comparisons. People who make comparisons are often insecure.
I like red cars rather than black ones. Because red cars look nicer - and you can find them relatively better in a car park. How does this make me insecure? Again - is there research?
Why are people insecure? Because they don't get laid (nobody accepts them).
You can be accepted and not get laid. If you have many friends, who accept you, but not a (love) partner, than you technically live in an environment that accepts you and in which you get positive reinforcement. This has nothing to do with getting laid.

Do you have research data. And if yes, please link the source. If you cannot do so, than this is an allegation without proof.

They don't get laid, and then they hyper-focus on trying to compare with other people in some way because they think it'll help them feel better.
This is also an allegation without proof.

This same mentality is true for people who compare characters. They don't really enjoy One Piece because of the story - instead, they are mostly reading the story to fulfill a need.
Of course people read the story of One Piece because they feel a need. This is also true for other people, who for example enjoy the plot or the world building, etc.. I like the manga mostly, because I can analyse the story, which may not be to everyone's liking.

And if those people enjoy reading the manga especially for fighting scenes, than this is ok, too.

This is called a striving attitude and it's unhealthy. When you are trying to compare yourself or things you're attached to with other people or things they're attached to, you're not really enjoying what you're doing.
You can ask them in a thread, if they enjoy themselves. You could put up a poll for this thread.

Most people on this website are like this, and they do not actually care about the story itself.

So... I'm going to point out the obvious - you guys fight so much about Vs. battles and obsess about Sanji and Zoro because you don't get laid. It's your way of trying to make up for it. Nerds.

Note: If you question this, ask yourself one question - would you have sex with someone who is constantly arguing about something? Most people wouldn't. It's a big turn-off.
Please, ask yourself one question - is it a good idea to start a thread within your first few days here on worstgen with untenable assertions against many of the forum's users?