Character Discussion "Pirate Empress" Boa Hancock!

Good evening fellow Worstgen losers, today I'm going to make a thorough analysis and evaluation of Hancock's power level, role in the story, and what I imagine she'll do in the future. My reason for this? I just like her. She's a cool character. There's a few big problems with her but she's cool.

One: Power Level/Stats/Portrayal

As seen in the panel posted above, Luffy and Nyon believe Hancock is "really strong" just from her Warlord title.
Elder Nyon goes on to talk about her pirate life, explaining that when she was merely 18 ( Hancock was 29 pre ts, 11 years ago would mean 18 ) she gained a bounty of 80 million; With her also becoming a Warlord shortly after, and being notorious along with her tribe just after one adventure.
To put that into perspective, Young Big Mom, who was capable of slamming multiple giants in Elbaf, and had her DF, had a bounty of 50 million.
Rookie Hancock had a higher bounty than rookie Big Mom, just from a single voyage on the seas.

Also, Nyon believes Hancock is strong enough to participate in the Marineford war and survive, which is easily a testament of her strength and capability.

Remember how Sengoku beat Shiki, who was comparable to Roger, in a 2v1, and later became the Fleet Admiral?
That same guy believes Hancock is "a very strong woman." and wanted her to be at the Marineford war to help against "the strongest man" in his own opinion, implying that he also believes she's more than capable of surviving in a fight against Whitebeard and crew.

And the Navy/WG thought it was necessary to send the following characters just for Hancock:
Marine fleets
Multiple Vice Admirals
2 Seraphim
Additional helpers:
Vasco Shot
Catarina Devon
Blackbeard's fleets
And almost every one of them were defeated ( or disarmed in S-Hawk's case ) bar:
The 2 Seraphim.
Now keep in mind, Law confirms that you can overpower certain Devil Fruit powers by using a lot of Haki,

as seen here.
But yet, just a mere 4 chapters before this, Blackbeard believed that he couldn't do anything to stop Hancock from petrifying him.
This is also a testament to her speed as well, because otherwise Blackbeard would have at least been able to deflect her attacks or block, but instead he claims that she would simply petrify him.
"Blackbeard may not know about that aspect of Haki, and he may have just meant that because of the way her fruit works, he couldn't be able to properly block or deflect her without getting petrified."
One: He studies Devil Fruits and is constantly on the look out for them, he knows a lot of stuff about various fruits, it's simply preposterous to claim that he wouldn't know Haki can negate certain Devil Fruit effects when he even knows about Law's immortality surgery.
Two: Sure, but again, if the first point is correct then he could still try to use Haki to avoid her hax.
I'm not sure if this means that he needs to have better Haki than her or just comparable Haki, but it's worth noting in my honest opinon.

"So I guess the Pirate Empress title wasn't just for show!!!"
This shows a sign of respect, not to mention that he instantly opted to use Kurouzu on Hancock, something he didn't do off the rip even against Ace, Law, or Kuzan.
Possible counterargument: "But he still defeated her easily and threatened to kill her"
Yes, but he did seem to catch her off guard and with a power null attack no less.
Not many people would be able to do much against that.
Before I go on, my main point is that Hancock is respected by a lot of strong and experienced characters, and even stalemated Yonko Blackbeard by easily defeating his Commanders, arguably worse than Kuzan had a year prior to this ( not implying she's on Kuzan's level ofc).
Now that that's been addressed, on to my next points.
Hancock is a confirmed CoC user, and by the way she says it, she knows how to control it as well ( this one in particular will be relevant to something I'll say later, keep it in mind )
She's also capable of using bullets that can pierce Luffy's rubber body before he can even react, seen here, as well as kicking Smoker, who kept up with G2 Luffy, before he could properly react.

As seen in the gif above, she's incredibly agile, possibly one of the most agile characters in One Piece alongside Sanji, Luffy, and others, capable of wiping out countless Marines while doing a handstand in heels.
In the Road To Laughtale books, she is considered a "fierce legend of the era!"
A counterargument to this may be " Well, Buggy is there too, and he's fodder!"
Yes, obviously, but think of it from the perspective of a character in-verse.
Buggy may be weak to us, as we've seen him actually fight, but in-verse, to the people who haven't really seen him fight, he has an incredible track record.
-Scolded Yonko Shanks in front of everyone at Marineford, with Shanks not even objecting to his words or trying to fight.
-Was part of the Pirate King's crew.
-Was a Warlord and now a Yonko member.
So it'd make sense that he's technically a "fierce legend of the era" as the book describes.

"She possesses strength that rivals even her beauty!"
As she is known as one of the most beautiful women in-verse, this could possibly translate to her being one of the strongest, which would make sense given her reputation and feats.
This basically covers her portrayal, feats etc.
I'll tweak it later, if there are any problems in it (which there likely are but considering the site I'm on I'm sure I'll be told about them when I wake up)

Two: Her character/personality, and how she can develop.
Currently, a good amount of people dislike her or feel neutral towards her, the reason for this being two factors:
She's kind of an asshole to men, also to women sometimes but especially men.
She has a habit of kicking baby animals as some sort of cruel gag.
This has caused people to even wish that BB had crushed her neck in chapter 1059 which I find undeserved but it makes sense why they dislike her.
A great way to fix this is to have her maybe join the Grand Fleet or Cross Guild for safety and other possible reasons, learning that not all men are bad, and presumably her animal abuse issue will be fixed as well.
It gives her a way to sort of get over being abused by the CDs, while getting rid of her worst qualities and keeping the best ones.

Three: How she'll be relevant in the future and what she will do/gain.
The last time we saw Hancock, she was looking for Luffy.
So, as I mentioned before, I believe she should join the Grand Fleet and help Luffy out at Egghead as soon as they get news that Luffy is there (or see his Vivre Card acting wonky).
A good reason is because of the fact that she would specifically be one of the best options when dealing with a gigantic fleet.
She has a hax df that can wipe out armies with minimal usage of said fruit, CoC which can wipe out a lot of fodders ( or even a few stronger characters depending on how good it is ), and more.
Not to mention, the Grand Fleet was said to be part of a major incident in the future. This lines up with the Egghead Incident from chapter 1078.
There wouldn't be a better time for the Grand Fleet to show up for Luffy, after all.
And this is pure speculation, but I also believe she will unlock ACoC (as this is practically the only reason a character would have CoC at this point in the story) and possibly get a scene where she kicks Saturn as retribution for the CDs torturing her and her family as a child, though this may just be me overdosing on hopium for a character that may not be relevant in the grand scheme of things. If so, I'm fully willing to take the L.
In conclusion:
I believe Hancock should be a high tier ( or basically YC1 or Admiral level ) based on various feats and portrayal, and that she'll show up in the story with the Grand Fleet to help Luffy against the Buster Call on Egghead
If there are any objections to anything I've said here, please feel free to point them out, and I'll address them when I can today.

@Warchief Sanji D Goat @BoaHancocksHusband @Kerkovian @Infitima @Le Fishe D. Tomdou etc. I don't feel like writing a whole list I just wanna go to bed.
Also shoutout to this guy who made a Hancock thread a year ago and dipped from the forum
Wonder where he is now.
Hancock will join Luffy's Grand Fleet.
Hancock is strong & confident and is one of the most powerful characters in the series. Her love for Luffy clearly adds a layer of depth to her character.

Joining the grand fleet would allow her to ensure the safety of Amazon Lily and her own freedom.
We known what the WG would do to her if they captured her 😬😬😬
Nit on egghead tho.
Egghead's plot is almost resolved and we're not returning until next year😂😂
Post automatically merged:

Mihawk not gonna join grand fleet tho
Mihawk doesn't need a fleet tbh.
And neither would Hancock if her island wasn't on danger, tbh.
In conclusion Hancock top 3.
Urouge and Godfy are above but that's about it.

Gorosei Informer

I was expecting something else from this Blackbeard fight. I wish it had been shown she was caught off guard or something...

Her powerlevel remains somewhat inconclusive, but it seems that she's weaker than I thought
I was pissed off Oda kept his trend of Blackbeard abusing the offscreen offscreen no mi vs her, like he did with Law later on and with Ace before too ofc.

Boa and her crew showed amazing usage of haki, that I've been dying to see again with ranged weaponsed based fighters for AGES! I'm hoping Shanks and his crew do the same thing with guns and thus bullets as they should but honestly, Boa and her crew were always really impressive to me and it makes me sad how Oda writes a lot of his female characters now in comparison to before.

I feel Boa and the Kuja get unederestimated/underrated a fair bit and Blackbeard himself personally showed up himself to try and take her down, when he just sent Burgess alone to Dressrosa? Sending Burgess alone was fucking dumb but at least he and thus Oda rectified it with him coming to Amazon Lily.

Very good read btw @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier , I appreciate the effort and I liked you considered counter arguments and provided examples and evidence.
Sorry I took so long to response but I wish Boa was the worlds strongest woman in OP, as in actually regaded in the story as that and depicted that way. Prior to that awful writing imo of when BB came after her, I really liked how Oda wrote Boa generally, shes his best written female character imo in terms of including fighting capability/prowess too, although Robin is close behind for me too.

Boa has all 3 forms of haki and is a top tier regardless of people like it or not. She trained an extremely powerful army of warriors, who imo are more impressive than most of the warriors from these so called Yonko crews so far too. They all know haki for a start and they're not even in the New World either LMAO!

I wish Oda had kept the Black Cat Zoan idea he had for Marguerite but alas.

There's a theory Boa and Mihawk are related based on their counterparts from a certain old game that Oda has copied a lot from, at least the concepts for the Warlords at bare minimum? I think its Radiant Saga? The Hawk themed man and Snaked themed girl in it are brother and sister IIRC, I'll have to look this up as I barely remember the info on it but some people like to think Shakky is Boas mother and Rayleigh shows up to Amazon Lily because he loves "young girls" I'm assuming he means women ofc and he could have met Shakky that way if she hs the former Kuja Queen too.
Therefore, Rayleigh and Shakky showing up to Boa, is her parents showing up to save her and I love that. Oda keeps associating Rayleigh with the Kuja and I think there is a more personal, serious reason rather than him just freeing slaves including the Kuja sisters and Rayleigh just becomes even more of a legend for not only tapping down a former prominent and strong pirate that Garp himself used to chase after too but a former Kuja Queen too? Damn Rayleigh, no wonder you're the "Dark King"! He loves his "baddies" lmao.

Seriously though, I was upset with how Boa handled Boa vs Blackbeard but I think she will bounce back and like at Marineford, she will get to fight again in the final war against the WG, this time with haki FAR more fleshed out and development ofc and her being able to go all out and even allowed a DF awakening if we're truly lucky lol. She should have Adv CoC too regardless imo.

I wish she would ally herself with Luffy already, since she wants to marry him and loves him obviously but pragmatically speaking too, since hes a Yonko now especially, her territory can be safe if people believe it's his territory and thus a Yonko's so they won't fuck with it then. The same Luffy who just took down Kaido and will take down Blackbeard, Akainu, maybe Shanks and inevitable the Marines and World Government and will become Pirate King ofc.

I would love her for Cross Guild but its unlikely to happen, makes more sense for her to declare herself an official ally of Luffy or even announcing to the world she is his fiancess and will be his pirate queen as he becomes pirate king lmfao. Now that would be hilarious to see everyones reactions in the world, to the Kuja Queen, former Warlord, Pirate Empress Boa Hancock declaring she is gonna marry Luffy to the world LMAO!

But yeah random rambling aside, I would place Boa around YC1 at least too ideally, she is a top tier imo (I put her lower than what I believe she should be) and I wish she got to become a Yonko somehow. In fact I'm tempted to AI generate a scenario where Boa is a Yonko instead.


I used to hype her before and specially after CoC coating. But since she lost to Teach so easily. Is hard to hype her that much.

Admiral level? Never.

YC1? Plausible.

And since Law gave Teach a harder fight while being outnumbered and I have him as YC1 then maybe she is just YC2 after all.

Damn Oda really fucks up with woman portrayal.
I used to hype her before and specially after CoC coating. But since she lost to Teach so easily. Is hard to hype her that much.

Admiral level? Never.

YC1? Plausible.

And since Law gave Teach a harder fight while being outnumbered and I have him as YC1 then maybe she is just YC2 after all.

Damn Oda really fucks up with woman portrayal.
Tbf, Blackbeard is a Yonko member, and also nullified her powers after sneaking up on her.
He even admitted that the moment he let her go, she would petrify everyone and that's it.
And the fact he was more confident in fighting Kuzan, Law, and Ace than he was with her is a little telling.
I was pissed off Oda kept his trend of Blackbeard abusing the offscreen offscreen no mi vs her, like he did with Law later on and with Ace before too ofc.

Boa and her crew showed amazing usage of haki, that I've been dying to see again with ranged weaponsed based fighters for AGES! I'm hoping Shanks and his crew do the same thing with guns and thus bullets as they should but honestly, Boa and her crew were always really impressive to me and it makes me sad how Oda writes a lot of his female characters now in comparison to before.

I feel Boa and the Kuja get unederestimated/underrated a fair bit and Blackbeard himself personally showed up himself to try and take her down, when he just sent Burgess alone to Dressrosa? Sending Burgess alone was fucking dumb but at least he and thus Oda rectified it with him coming to Amazon Lily.

Very good read btw @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier , I appreciate the effort and I liked you considered counter arguments and provided examples and evidence.
Sorry I took so long to response but I wish Boa was the worlds strongest woman in OP, as in actually regaded in the story as that and depicted that way. Prior to that awful writing imo of when BB came after her, I really liked how Oda wrote Boa generally, shes his best written female character imo in terms of including fighting capability/prowess too, although Robin is close behind for me too.

Boa has all 3 forms of haki and is a top tier regardless of people like it or not. She trained an extremely powerful army of warriors, who imo are more impressive than most of the warriors from these so called Yonko crews so far too. They all know haki for a start and they're not even in the New World either LMAO!

I wish Oda had kept the Black Cat Zoan idea he had for Marguerite but alas.

There's a theory Boa and Mihawk are related based on their counterparts from a certain old game that Oda has copied a lot from, at least the concepts for the Warlords at bare minimum? I think its Radiant Saga? The Hawk themed man and Snaked themed girl in it are brother and sister IIRC, I'll have to look this up as I barely remember the info on it but some people like to think Shakky is Boas mother and Rayleigh shows up to Amazon Lily because he loves "young girls" I'm assuming he means women ofc and he could have met Shakky that way if she hs the former Kuja Queen too.
Therefore, Rayleigh and Shakky showing up to Boa, is her parents showing up to save her and I love that. Oda keeps associating Rayleigh with the Kuja and I think there is a more personal, serious reason rather than him just freeing slaves including the Kuja sisters and Rayleigh just becomes even more of a legend for not only tapping down a former prominent and strong pirate that Garp himself used to chase after too but a former Kuja Queen too? Damn Rayleigh, no wonder you're the "Dark King"! He loves his "baddies" lmao.

Seriously though, I was upset with how Boa handled Boa vs Blackbeard but I think she will bounce back and like at Marineford, she will get to fight again in the final war against the WG, this time with haki FAR more fleshed out and development ofc and her being able to go all out and even allowed a DF awakening if we're truly lucky lol. She should have Adv CoC too regardless imo.

I wish she would ally herself with Luffy already, since she wants to marry him and loves him obviously but pragmatically speaking too, since hes a Yonko now especially, her territory can be safe if people believe it's his territory and thus a Yonko's so they won't fuck with it then. The same Luffy who just took down Kaido and will take down Blackbeard, Akainu, maybe Shanks and inevitable the Marines and World Government and will become Pirate King ofc.

I would love her for Cross Guild but its unlikely to happen, makes more sense for her to declare herself an official ally of Luffy or even announcing to the world she is his fiancess and will be his pirate queen as he becomes pirate king lmfao. Now that would be hilarious to see everyones reactions in the world, to the Kuja Queen, former Warlord, Pirate Empress Boa Hancock declaring she is gonna marry Luffy to the world LMAO!

But yeah random rambling aside, I would place Boa around YC1 at least too ideally, she is a top tier imo (I put her lower than what I believe she should be) and I wish she got to become a Yonko somehow. In fact I'm tempted to AI generate a scenario where Boa is a Yonko instead.
If she joined Cross Guild she would technically have ties with 2 Yonko, which is enough for nobody to even bother fucking with her territory.
The Kuja would also be a very nice military addition, hell they can even be taught by Mihawk or Croc to get better Haki and maybe some DFs.
Also, y'know Luffy CAN marry Hancock, right?
That's not a bad thing nor is it not a possibility, we know Roger didn't have a wife and child until after he was done being a pirate, cause he had priorities.
I'm willing to bet that Luffy, though he acts like he isn't interested in sex at all, would smash Hancock after he's the PK and done all his business.

Gorosei Informer

Also, y'know Luffy CAN marry Hancock, right?
I didnt say he couldnt lol.

If she joined Cross Guild she would technically have ties with 2 Yonko, which is enough for nobody to even bother fucking with her territory.
Yeah thats true.

The Kuja would also be a very nice military addition, hell they can even be taught by Mihawk or Croc to get better Haki and maybe some DFs.
That would be very sweet, I agree entirely.

That's not a bad thing nor is it not a possibility, we know Roger didn't have a wife and child until after he was done being a pirate, cause he had priorities.
Yeah absolutely lol.

I'm willing to bet that Luffy, though he acts like he isn't interested in sex at all, would smash Hancock after he's the PK and done all his business.
Yeah hes just got a one track mind, much bigger inspirations/ambitions than just fucking around, in the literal sense too lol.

I used to hype her before and specially after CoC coating. But since she lost to Teach so easily. Is hard to hype her that much.

Admiral level? Never.

YC1? Plausible.

And since Law gave Teach a harder fight while being outnumbered and I have him as YC1 then maybe she is just YC2 after all.

Damn Oda really fucks up with woman portrayal.
When was she hyped as a top tier?
Tbf, Blackbeard is a Yonko member, and also nullified her powers after sneaking up on her.
He even admitted that the moment he let her go, she would petrify everyone and that's it.
And the fact he was more confident in fighting Kuzan, Law, and Ace than he was with her is a little telling.

If she joined Cross Guild she would technically have ties with 2 Yonko, which is enough for nobody to even bother fucking with her territory.
The Kuja would also be a very nice military addition, hell they can even be taught by Mihawk or Croc to get better Haki and maybe some DFs.
Also, y'know Luffy CAN marry Hancock, right?
That's not a bad thing nor is it not a possibility, we know Roger didn't have a wife and child until after he was done being a pirate, cause he had priorities.
I'm willing to bet that Luffy, though he acts like he isn't interested in sex at all, would smash Hancock after he's the PK and done all his business.
Nah she is YC2+
Stronger than YC2 but cannot beat any YC1 in a 1 v 1.

I have Nami at YC5- lol at best (Snack-)

therefore Boa X Luffy> Nami X Brother
Theoretically I'd never put her top tier. You make very good points about teach being so wary but the fact that she is defenseless without her fruit and held like that is a sign of her power level.

She can have certain top tier traits thanks to her hax but that's about it.
Tbf, Blackbeard is a Yonko member, and also nullified her powers after sneaking up on her.
He even admitted that the moment he let her go, she would petrify everyone and that's it.
And the fact he was more confident in fighting Kuzan, Law, and Ace than he was with her is a little telling.

If she joined Cross Guild she would technically have ties with 2 Yonko, which is enough for nobody to even bother fucking with her territory.
The Kuja would also be a very nice military addition, hell they can even be taught by Mihawk or Croc to get better Haki and maybe some DFs.
Also, y'know Luffy CAN marry Hancock, right?
That's not a bad thing nor is it not a possibility, we know Roger didn't have a wife and child until after he was done being a pirate, cause he had priorities.
I'm willing to bet that Luffy, though he acts like he isn't interested in sex at all, would smash Hancock after he's the PK and done all his business.
she's not joining cross guild


Tbf, Blackbeard is a Yonko member, and also nullified her powers after sneaking up on her.
He even admitted that the moment he let her go, she would petrify everyone and that's it.
And the fact he was more confident in fighting Kuzan, Law, and Ace than he was with her is a little telling.
We don't know how the fight went to say he sneaked on her.
And all that hyped you said isn't about Hancock but her DF only.
Teach can do the same to Law that he did to her. So Law had to rely on his awakening and haki too. Maybe awakenings work a bit different against Teach's Logia?
Anyway it seems she was hopeless against Teach. Her haki that should be great doesn't seem that great anymore.