Super Role Madness Pokemon Chose your own starters

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My poe from yesterday was

Main poe AM/xenos/Reloaded
Secondary poe orca/Mango/Psylocke/Yasheen
Ultra and Ratchet are ???

It makes me wonder if I should continue with my poe from where I left off or am I wrong on someone because I am creeped out the highest posters are still alive and it makes me worried if there's powerwolfing going on.
So you have it all in one place


Thermal Exchange (Passive)- I get told if anyone targets me with a fire ability

Glaive Rush(Active)- Upgrades the next move used on the person I target

??? (Active)- ???
Snowscape was used on ???, ??? and ???

This is almost certainly Orca's

Unlocked after last night, for some reason!
But since there's a professor role here could easily be an imposter professor role

So either there's an indie/extra scum that was set to join the team after x amount of mafia died or it's a blind recruit granted by the same conditions.

Would probably assume the former


The End and the Beginning
I shot Mango. Prof is with me, his imposter added him to my role PM. He protected me from rolecrushes and I used my one shot which bypasses defences. Mango has legit no reason to be alive. I can't be blocked. He's either Mafia or Indie and super harmful either way. I shot him because he claimed to target YTW yet said nothing when we were suspecting Red Night on that basis. Also him targeting YTW with a block (and the block being keyed to RPS is another issue with the claim) makes no sense because he never mentioned YTW at all.

I suspect the most likely possibility is that he's Indie or detached scum. He's not town, that's who we are lynching today. If he's scum Ultra is probably his mate - I went back and ISO'd both Mango and Neeko, not much from Neeko except he talks to Luka a lot (shading) without ever pushing him, don't see why he would just roll over to Town Ultra end of day if he's Mafia with Polar. That could be a planned bus. Then also we have Ultra randomly checking Mango and defends the decision on the basis that Mango is easily mislynched, it was weird at the time and his response yesterday amounts to rambling word salad. But I don't want to get too attached to this, Mango should be lynched even if he's a hostile Indie. Remaining scum would be Orca/AM if it's not Ultra.

Vote: MangoSenpai

Prof isn't able to solve, he saw the first post Fuji made which was deleted and says he saw something he shouldn't have in there. So he can't contribute to game solving for the foreseeable future.
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