Pokemon : Road to becoming a champion (Forum game) !

Dueling academy
Hey guys, got some work to do atm so consider all trades that are agreed upon to be processed already so you can do future trades with that in mind. I will also update the player list in a bit.

And of course, duels are now open to do with anyone. Players may accept or refuse your duels but each player has to fight atleast 3 times during a 24 hours period.


Once 2 people start a duel, they will both start at 6 points and each of them will PM me their choice for the round, the goal is to finish the dual with more points gained total.

How it works:

Lets say for example player A submits a Fire type and player B submits a water type. Player B wins and player A loses 1 point. In the even of a draw both players lose a point. A draw may only happen if the Pokémon are not weak to each other.

Dual Typing:

For dual typing the same logic applies:

If a Fire/Ground type goes against a water type the water type wins.

However if a Fire/Ground type goes against a grass type then the former wins, because even if Ground is weak to grass fire is not so it cancels its weakness out. And fire remains effective against grass so the winner of the fight would be the Fire/Ground pokemon.

After 7 days I will compile the wins and losses of everyone and create the brackets, good luck guys ^^.

I hope I didnt ramble too much and made things clear here XD

Your goal to win is to have the best answer for all scenarios, all trainers and their Pokemon are in a spoiler tag under the section trainers.
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