Speculations Possible Kuma's DF awakening and its effects

Well we know that Kuma's DF is one of the most broken DFs in one piece but it still not awaken yet the question what will happen if it awakens and why would it awakens?
I think that will happen this arc and the reason is Luffy's Nika power Kuma reacts to it and that will stimulates his DF as well if i have to guess Kuma's DF was once the DF of one of Joyboy aids . maybe Nefentari D. Lili or someone else but for sure he/she was the one who was responsible for Joyboy's transport and the one who send the Poneglyphs flying to their places.
the question which effects will it have i would say first of all either it will give Kuma his memories back since the DF can extract memories so Kuma will be "alive" again. or the DF itsself will tranport itself to someone else in its awakend form if you asked me the best Candidate will Franky or Vivi.
Vivi will be seen again soon since she is looking for the strawhats anyway. if Lili was the former holder of the fruit then Vivi's presens might be catalyst for the awakening as well since for sure she has the D. in her name as well she is the inheritor of Lili's power whatever it was. and you can be sure it is either Kuma's power or even more broken than it.
with its awakening they will be able not only escape but they will take everything on the facility as well most improtantly the Punk records , the ancient robot and the Kuma copies. I assume some of them will be given to Dragon to use.