Future Events Possible venues for Vergo and Monet to head post Punk Hazard destruction

  • Thread starter critical mindset
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critical mindset

As per my theory on Vergo surviving using his superior CoA (Chou Kouka) and by eating the axolotl devil fruit to reattach his limbs back together https://worstgen.alwaysdata.net/forum/threads/vergo-reappears-with-the-axolotl-devil-fruit.5409/
Monet as an astronomer and researcher will also have further plot relevance. In addition, her heart was never fully stabbed, as Caesar was stopped before he could fully pierce it. Hint that she survives

So where will he and Monet go from here? Either they were picked up by the BM pirates or Beast Pirates who both were confirmed to have went to scour Punk Hazard after its destruction (which could make them immediately relevant for Wano) or they left on their own accord to either

(1) try to free Doffy. Vergo with his axolotl fruit could very stealthily infiltrate Impel Down this way.

(2) Stop Smoker and Tashigi delivering the children to Vegapunk.

These are the avenues for the duo that I can think of. Then again, have yet to read the grand Monet theory that has to do with her importance and relevance to the story https://worstgen.alwaysdata.net/forum/threads/the-romance-of-fantasy-the-grand-monet-theory.4984/
Well, let's say that for sure Oda has interest in makin Doffy an "available" character again just with every other great villain (Croco, Kata, Lucci etc.) so to have somewhat him come out of prison, also Vergo and Monet are probably still alive and Vergo with the salamander df sounds cool. Maybe it could happen but they hardly will get something more than a cover story or the likes of it.

Anyway is it confirmed Doffy is kept in Impel down or is it just a speculation?
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We are near the EOS, Luffy is fighting the Yonko, and will very soon go against the whole WG, whats the point of out of nowhere bring side characters who have already been defeated and have no plot relevance?

Doffy time is gone already. There's no place for losers of the Old Times in the New Era, and how a weak guy as Vergo would invade ID?

I understand that you are a fan of Monet and Vergo, but they are just random minions of Doffy with little relevance to the story

Beast and BM pirates going to PH??? Where this happen?? Seems you are pushing to much headcanon in this bro.

They are dead man, let it go

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
There's no place for losers of the Old Times in the New Era, and how a weak guy as Vergo would invade ID?

I understand that you are a fan of Monet and Vergo, but they are just random minions of Doffy with little relevance to the story

They are dead man, let it go
If pre-TS scurb Luffy could've enter ID and fight Megllan and survive (!)

Can't wait for "The Break-In of The Vergo"

Also they alive & are great characters @critical mindset -senpai tell him!


@critical mindset ,i like peoples with your optimism,so i will participate of this discussion.
In the time between Punk Hazard and Dressrosa,we got a panel,that apparently confirms that Monet leaved Punk Hazard at the same time Straw Hats did. In that panel,one of her Devil Fruit techniques was at sea surface,which mean she took a separate path from Vergo and was flying in the skies over Thousand Sunny,although noone saw.

So,now she was freed from Donquixote Pirates,what she was up to?
-Willing to reunite with Sugar and free her too.
-Willing to take a better course in life along her little sister.
She, so found somewhere to hide near Dressrosa and waited Law and Straw Hats defeat Donquixote Pirates as were they going do. When she got the confirmation it happened with a newspaper,she started to act. She knew that,as Sugar is only a 10 years old girl and will always be,the Government couldn't send her to such place as Impel Down. So,Sugar certainly was send to a certain Youth Detention Center,and Monet is more than capable of free her little sister of a place of this level.
Monet freed Sugar,had with her a time updating each other about their lifes,and left together. Monet so,decided start to redeem herself correcting the thing that almost cost her life.
Monet travelled with Sugar to the place in New World where Vegapunk resides and works,which is the world's largest and most important research center. She so found Vegapunk and the children of Punk Hazard,who arrived there brought by Smoker and Tashigi shortly before. Monet so,had with the children a heart-to-heart talk,explaining everything about herself,why she "was helping Caesar",that she never had any intention of harm them and now wanna do whatever be needed to help them and get their forgiveness. The children understand and all hug Monet. Vegapunk,impressed with the humanity showed by Monet,allow her and Sugar to stay with him and help to heal the children as she requested.
Monet and Sugar lived and worked with Vegapunk during all the time from Zou Arc to Reverie Arc. Until received news that Vegapunk would send his new militar power project to right where Straw Hats are currently,for a war in which they are involved.
Lastly,Monet and Sugar are in their way to Wano right now along SSG,and will arrive at the end of Act 3,when Straw Hats will be totally defeated by Kaido-Linlin alliance. At the start of Act 4,she will reintroduce herself and Sugar for Straw Hats,and they will accept the two in their side when Monet confirms for Chopper that was her who threw that note for him in Punk Hazard. Monet and Sugar will have their participations in Straw Hats's victory over Kaido and Linlin,and at the end,Monet will join Straw Hats as their Logia user. Sugar,who also developed her own bond with Straw Hats,will join too as a Cabin Girl.
I love Monet,and recently have building this possible way of how she could return in my mind with all the logic necessary. What you think?
@Ravagerblade @TheAncientCenturion @Kejon @Monet @Tokiro Oumaga

critical mindset

@critical mindset ,i like peoples with your optimism,so i will participate of this discussion.
In the time between Punk Hazard and Dressrosa,we got a panel,that apparently confirms that Monet leaved Punk Hazard at the same time Straw Hats did. In that panel,one of her Devil Fruit techniques was at sea surface,which mean she took a separate path from Vergo and was flying in the skies over Thousand Sunny,although noone saw.

So,now she was freed from Donquixote Pirates,what she was up to?
-Willing to reunite with Sugar and free her too.
-Willing to take a better course in life along her little sister.
She, so found somewhere to hide near Dressrosa and waited Law and Straw Hats defeat Donquixote Pirates as were they going do. When she got the confirmation it happened with a newspaper,she started to act. She knew that,as Sugar is only a 10 years old girl and will always be,the Government couldn't send her to such place as Impel Down. So,Sugar certainly was send to a certain Youth Detention Center,and Monet is more than capable of free her little sister of a place of this level.
Monet freed Sugar,had with her a time updating each other about their lifes,and left together. Monet so,decided start to redeem herself correcting the thing that almost cost her life.
Monet travelled with Sugar to the place in New World where Vegapunk resides and works,which is the world's largest and most important research center. She so found Vegapunk and the children of Punk Hazard,who arrived there brought by Smoker and Tashigi shortly before. Monet so,had with the children a heart-to-heart talk,explaining everything about herself,why she "was helping Caesar",that she never had any intention of harm them and now wanna do whatever be needed to help them and get their forgiveness. The children understand and all hug Monet. Vegapunk,impressed with the humanity showed by Monet,allow her and Sugar to stay with him and help to heal the children as she requested.
Monet and Sugar lived and worked with Vegapunk during all the time from Zou Arc to Reverie Arc. Until received news that Vegapunk would send his new militar power project to right where Straw Hats are currently,for a war in which they are involved.
Lastly,Monet and Sugar are in their way to Wano right now along SSG,and will arrive at the end of Act 3,when Straw Hats will be totally defeated by Kaido-Linlin alliance. At the start of Act 4,she will reintroduce herself and Sugar for Straw Hats,and they will accept the two in their side when Monet confirms for Chopper that was her who threw that note for him in Punk Hazard. Monet and Sugar will have their participations in Straw Hats's victory over Kaido and Linlin,and at the end,Monet will join Straw Hats as their Logia user. Sugar,who also developed her own bond with Straw Hats,will join too as a Cabin Girl.
I love Monet,and recently have building this possible way of how she could return in my mind with all the logic necessary. What you think?
@Ravagerblade @TheAncientCenturion @Kejon @Monet @Tokiro Oumaga
Wow! You sure that’s one of her techniques? :bignews:
Wow! You sure that’s one of her techniques? :bignews:
Well maybe if you'd actually read my textbook of a theory...

I don't personally believe the two are related, but it's one of the most common theories and there isn't a clear alternate explanation for this panel, so it definitely could have weight.

@PeperLevi I definitely like how you've worked Monet back into the main story. I don't know if you got the idea that she's been with Vegapunk from me or what, but I didn't even consider that that could bring her to Wano. I'm still on the fence about the idea of the Straw Hats losing against Kaido at Onigashima, but having Monet show up and help turn the tides would definitely provide strong reason for public opinion to shift in her favor.

I don't personally see Sugar joining, I think they'd have some reason to split up, but if she did, I definitely don't think she'd be a Cabin Girl. I'm not quite sure what her role WOULD be, since we have no indication of her skills aside from being able to effectively enslave people, but I can't see her being the "pick up the slack" type.

Either way, I like the track you're on, especially since one of the big arguments against Monet is that it seems unlikely anyone will join post-Wano and you've found a potential workaround. Good to know that other people are rooting for her.
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@PeperLevi I definitely like how you've worked Monet back into the main story. I don't know if you got the idea that she's been with Vegapunk from me or what, but I didn't even consider that that could bring her to Wano. I'm still on the fence about the idea of the Straw Hats losing against Kaido at Onigashima, but having Monet show up and help turn the tides would definitely provide strong reason for public opinion to shift in her favor.

I don't personally see Sugar joining, I think they'd have some reason to split up, but if she did, I definitely don't think she'd be a Cabin Girl. I'm not quite sure what her role WOULD be, since we have no indication of her skills aside from being able to effectively enslave people, but I can't see her being the "pick up the slack" type.

Either way, I like the track you're on, especially since one of the big arguments against Monet is that it seems unlikely anyone will join post-Wano and you've found a potential workaround. Good to know that other people are rooting for her.
Yes,i readed your theories about Monet's current whereabout being with Vegapunk helping to heal the kids. But your theories are far bigger and detailed,so i used this part in something easier from my own mind. Monet,being the studious and info collector girl she is,is certainly able of formulate this way for reunite with her little sister and restart their lifes.
I talked about Sugar too,because i remember she's a part of Monet's loose thread,but Monet's theorists never talk about her. The story in One Piece started to show recently that childs can be members in pirate crews if they have all the requisites,so Straw Hats crew get a child crewmember would be really cool. The story introduced Tama,but she not have any of the requisites and i don't even like her. But otherwise,Sugar has much personality and is very skillful,so end up as a Straw Hat crewmember just like her big sister seems a good fate for her.