General & Others Potential vs cruel reality (Wano arc)

Oh boy, there seems to be a few chapters 'till we meet the end of this controversial and convoluted arc and my only feeling right now is disappointment. Back when the Reverie Arc ended, I thought myself, 'it is time for a fantastic arc against Kaido, an emperor of the sea and the potential to be Luffy's toughest and most complex enemy', well, I was very wrong about everything, not only Kaido is one of the blandest villains ever introduced, but the whole Wano arc has been a total letdown in every front: Countless plot conveniences, lack of tension, useless characters (kawamatsu, toki, toko, urushima and so many others), plot devices (I am looking at u Tama and Big Meme), boring subplots(Ice oni BS from Queen), lack of deaths(c'mon, against two emperors, one with his full army and no even terciary characters like kiku die), stupid and unnecesary power ups(Luffy's and Zoro's), Kidd lack of protagonism being part of the supernovas, Drake's lack of skill, Hawkins being irrelevant, Tobbi Roppo being introduced too late in the arc, also their lackluster fights againts the SH(Franky's and Jimbe's specially), Big Mom Children could not climb the damn waterfall for the whole 150+ chapters, Big Mom's amnesia and motherly mode, Orochi being a clown and a complety disgrace of a shogun, Oden wank in almost every episody, not a single redeemable samurai from either side(I was looking forward to see Kyoshiro prior to him being one scabbard) and so on.
C'mon people, Oda had everything within the bag to make a perfect mix between tension, character development, interesting antagonist(Kaido could have become a better Dofy in terms of writing), perfect wano lore(not a single supreme grade sword was introduced, even the kairoseki plot was irrelevant), good secondary characters (Gosh, just remembering the butchering Oda did with wario aka Orochi make me feel sick)... The potential this arc had was too high, I was a One Piece fanboy, now, I use want to see how everything ends, I could not be more devastated for the amount of mistakes Oda made within a single arc, although I am not surprise considering the predecessor(WCI). I wanted a full war with cassualties and tension, and this was just a clown festa. Of course, this is just my opinion, if you think this arc is good, well, I am glad you enjoyed it, I just could not, despite my fanboyism for this series.
It’s certainly disappointing. I’m still a One Piece fanboy though because I have hope that Oda won’t disappoint with all the stuff that comes after.
(Note that this is a downgrade from me saying it is impossible for Oda to mess up the Post-Wano stuff with more relevant characters. He managed to downgrade my faith quite a bit.)
what's wrong with expressing feelings and giving critiques??
I totally agree with that, but I am just quoting what the OP have said to me multiple times when I was criticizing One Piece. To him, it is only okay if he criticizes it, but if I criticize One Piece, "wtf is wrong with you. Chill out a bit if this story is no longer interesting for you. Let other people enjoy and do something else."

AL sama

Red Haired
I totally agree with that, but I am just quoting what the OP have said to me multiple times when I was criticizing One Piece. To him, it is only okay if he criticizes it, but if I criticize One Piece, "wtf is wrong with you. Chill out a bit if this story is no longer interesting for you. Let other people enjoy and do something else."
oh I didn't know that
I totally agree with that, but I am just quoting what the OP have said to me multiple times when I was criticizing One Piece. To him, it is only okay if he criticizes it, but if I criticize One Piece, "wtf is wrong with you. Chill out a bit if this story is no longer interesting for you. Let other people enjoy and do something else."
Yep, I apologize to you Lee, I thought Wano could do a 180 degrees change and become a good arc, but it did not.... So at the end, you were right. I won't defend One Piece anymore, I still like it but Wano has been subpar and extremly bad in my opinion.
Yep, I apologize to you Lee, I thought Wano could do a 180 degrees change and become a good arc, but it did not.... So at the end, you were right. I won't defend One Piece anymore, I still like it but Wano has been subpar and extremly bad in my opinion.
Lol now I feel bad for mocking you. All good, apology accepted and I apologize for mocking you lol.


Talent is something you make bloom.
I wanted a full war with cassualties and tension, and this was just a clown festa. Of course, this is just my opinion, if you think this arc is good, well, I am glad you enjoyed it, I just could not, despite my fanboyism for this series.
The thing about fiction is....
You WANT things, but you are supposed to make do with what you get. Sometimes the author meets your expectations, sometimes they don't.
Some special times they even surpass said expectations.
I tend to have a very open mind when reading something, due to the fact that I want to immerse myself in the story and discover things as they come.
So, even when my "headcanon" doesn't happen, it doesn't necessarily mean that I will hate every development, but it also doesn't mean I won't think something it's bad if I genuinely think it's bad.
One Piece has a lot of ups and downs, that's not something new.
I had more fun during FI, than I had with PH. But Dressrosa was fine until it started dragging a lot at the end, then Zou happened and it was great, WCI, funnily enough I didn't enjoy that much at first, then it grew on me and today is one of my favorite arcs.
Wano was built for hundreds of chapters. It has 2 separate threads that eventually connected. Kinemon/Momo plot, and Luffy/Law alliance to take down Kaido. Dressrosa was an arc designed as a literal stepping stone towards Wano. Taking Down the factory and Doflamingo in order to provoke Kaido.
Zou was a lore dump pitstop, and WCI a "necessary sidequest" due to the fact that we needed to get the Road Poneglyph.
So...after all of this, we reach Wano's literally just an arc like all the others. There's virtually NOTHING in Wano that differentiates it from Alabasta.
PH, Dressrosa, Zou, WCI and Wano, are nothing different from the Laboon, Whiskey Peak, Little Garden, Drum Island and Alabasta arcs, except longer.
Now, what is truly Oda's fault is trying to overhype Kaido.
Almost no one gave two fucks about him or Big Mom prior to the TimeSkip, so Oda NEEDED to have people giving two fucks about them.
His solution? Makes Big Mom the first Yonko Luffy interacts with after the TimeSkip, giving her quite a nasty and awesome introduction, and overhyping Kaido, the first Yonko that Luffy actively targets, as this invincible new enemy that every shounen asspulls every new arc.
Then he crams these two together in the same arc and deal with them together so he can go back to the Yonkos that actually matter and probably give them their own arcs.
Fucking Illuminati-sama had both Luffy's and Teach's bounty posters. Teach is CLEARLY gonna play some major role in the story. And Shanks? Well, let's just say that Shanks' role is so anticipated, that Oda has 99% of chance of never meeting people's expectations for this character due to how much blue balled everyone is when we talk about Shanks. He's the dude that fucking inspired Luffy to become a pirate. He has one of the most significant moments in One Piece as a whole, by giving Luffy his hat.

All in all, what the post TimeSkip suffers the most, is actually the lenght of the arcs.
Big Mom and Kaido should have been the Crocodile/Moria of the TimeSkip. Shorter arcs should had been enough for them. Luffy beat two Shichibukais but people were still hyped about the ones left. He could easily have done the same for the Yonkos. No need for all of this overwank.

I'm just relieved the filler Yonkos are done. It's the endgame now. And I'm still hoping some wild rides for the next arcs. Especially because I'm gonna see old favorites of mine back in action, like the Admirals, Teach, and will finally see Shanks' crew in all of its glory (unless Oda decides to blue balls us eternally and offscreen Shanks).

I can't disagree, the quality drop especially this arc is all time high.
It's downhill from now on.....I would actually suggest oda to concentrate his content more on exploration, adventure, lore building, and solving mysteries now and ignore Luffy getting fights completely. He would just create a total mess of a fight now since Luffy is already a god...and they shouldn't be getting anyone stronger than Kaido as an enemy for a brawl(I mean he only writes brawl fights with Luffy)
dude, wtf do you want? Chill out a bit if this story is no longer interesting for you. Let other people enjoy and do something else.
Dude chill out, this story is suck and many agrees wih us
Stop being defensive
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I can't disagree, the quality drop especially this arc is all time high.
Like game of thrones
The graphic amazing and decent but the story can we just agree that the writing is lazy and dumb plot hole