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When were you under the impression this game is..
Both seasons yea
Zac/Gorguk is always great
Lou/Fabian and Murph/RIz are favs as well
Fabian is getting interesting, I loved that He was the one that gave them their gifts but didnt tell them back then because he didnt want them to only be friends with him because of his money.


When were you under the impression this game is..
Then stop sucking my dick first. (using Adam's words here).
Nobody cares about your shriveled dick.

Get the fuck outta here with your bitchass threads. Dont tag me. I will open it myself if I want to.
You can just ignore the tag instead of coming here and crying about it like a little bitch. Nobody is holding you mate.


When were you under the impression this game is..
Oh I'll need no practice for that

Aye it was a good moment
Pot how do you feel about evil and people who do it, say someone wanted to stop by and torture a bunch of villagers for their gold. Maybe some light water boarding and or killing of loved ones for motivation.
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