Controversial Proof Zoro doesn't have AdCoC

1.Bro read the freaking story

2. Nowhere is these things stated
That was before he picked his blades and fought as a swordsman..

Databook Blue Deep Vista is called Daikengou, Sword Grandmaster..
Shanks is called a Sword Master..

Sword Grandmaster > Sword Master
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Explain why the WG compared Mihawks skills to Shanks instead of Vista then. If you don't your a fraud.
Because They were famous for competing with each other in the past and now Shanks is Yonko level.. Shanks has more hype than Vista as a Yonko even though Vista is a better Swordsman..
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That was before he picked his blades and fought as a swordsman..

Databook Blue Deep Vista is called Daikengou, Sword Grandmaster..
Shanks is called a Sword Master..

Sword Grandmaster > Sword Master
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Because They were famous for competing with each other in the past and now Shanks is Yonko level.. Shanks has more hype than Vista as a Yonko even though Vista is a better Swordsman..
1. Huh bro stop contradicting yourself. Kaku picked up his sword too so since he picked up his sword now he a Swordsman according to you yet you said that wasn't a swordsman fight.
2. Mihawk is Yonko level and never pursued things like being a Yonko you idiot.


World's Strongest Swordsman
That was before he picked his blades and fought as a swordsman..

Databook Blue Deep Vista is called Daikengou, Sword Grandmaster..
Shanks is called a Sword Master..

Sword Grandmaster > Sword Master
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Because They were famous for competing with each other in the past and now Shanks is Yonko level.. Shanks has more hype than Vista as a Yonko even though Vista is a better Swordsman..
Zoro was called dai kengo pre skip

Was pre skip zoro a better swordsman then shanks
That was before he picked his blades and fought as a swordsman..

Databook Blue Deep Vista is called Daikengou, Sword Grandmaster..
Shanks is called a Sword Master..

Sword Grandmaster > Sword Master
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Because They were famous for competing with each other in the past and now Shanks is Yonko level.. Shanks has more hype than Vista as a Yonko even though Vista is a better Swordsman..
I think even you know that BS. Imagine your trying hype up the greatest baseball player in the world. To do this the announcer goes
"His base ball skills are even greater then even the legendary Michael Jordan!":quest:

How does that make any sense? Michael Jordan is a legend at Basket Ball not Base Ball. The announcer goes "Well he did play baseball and he's just more famous then most baseball players even though there are better players".
That's what your suggesting happened. It'd be funny it wasn't so pathetic. :arnoling::kobeha:
nobody thinks Zoro has adcoc. he didnt use it he doesnt know it, it was never stated and he was bsrely able to beat king.the first time we saw adcoc luffy used it on Kaidou then Kaidou was shown to use it the Big mom. other than that⁴ its never been shown. only gay bobs think that Zoro w
Your reading comprehension is terrible

You must be trolling, nobody can be this stupid
I think even you know that BS. Imagine your trying hype up the greatest baseball player in the world. To do this the announcer goes
"His base ball skills are even greater then even the legendary Michael Jordan!":quest:

How does that make any sense? Michael Jordan is a legend at Basket Ball not Base Ball. The announcer goes "Well he did play baseball and he's just more famous then most baseball players even though there are better players".
That's what your suggesting happened. It'd be funny it wasn't so pathetic. :arnoling::kobeha:
That's way too convoluted.. Shanks had the same potential than Mihawk when they were competing..
Do the Marines know the difference between a Sword Master and a Sword Grandmaster?.. From their side they are
both extraordinary..

Sanji calls Zoro a sword master pre-timeskip.
Your point?..
That's way too convoluted.. Shanks had the same potential than Mihawk when they were competing..
Do the Marines know the difference between a Sword Master and a Sword Grandmaster?.. From their side they are
both extraordinary..

Your point?..
Its not convoluted at all. Its a perfect description of what you said happened.
Why distinguish swords skills from strength if marines are to stupid to know the difference between someone with only sword skills and someone with strength? Just say "he's almost a strong a Shanks".
1. Huh bro stop contradicting yourself. Kaku picked up his sword too so since he picked up his sword now he a Swordsman according to you yet you said that wasn't a swordsman fight.
2. Mihawk is Yonko level and never pursued things like being a Yonko you idiot.
kaku used nose attack after picking up swords, while Hacchi used only swords after picking his swords..

He's not Yonko level, they used a Yonko to hype him up..
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Its not convoluted at all. Its a perfect description of what you said happened.
Why distinguish swords skills from strength if marines are to stupid to know the difference between someone with only sword skills and someone with strength? Just say "he's almost a strong a Shanks".
Because they assume they are the same like Mihawk fans..:laughmoji:
They're not touching just like Luffy and Kaido.. Zoro was shown on a cover volume to be black with Green Smokes(Enma's soul)..
Got it... so because Zoro has no red lighting he doesnt have advcoc based off you making up stuff... duly noted

Also no idea where you got Green Smoke is confirmed Enma's Soul... again when it comes to this subject you are brilliant at making up random BS lol