Questions & Mysteries Prove Zoro and Lucci wrong that the fight was over and Lucci lost

Luffy didn't beat Rob Lucci , 2 pages after being punched to a wall all he had was a bruise on the cheeck
Zoro didn't beat Rob Lucci ( almost ) , 2 pages after being attacked he turned into filette fish , brutalized and with enough blood loss to give him a coma,

Base Zoro outperformed G5 Luffy , this is canon
I wonder who will be the next victim of this curse.
Supports Katakuri ? Katakuri gets beaten like a shit by a waaaaaaaaaay weaker Luffy; Katakuri would get Wi-Fi diffed by Luffy today.
Supports BM ? Gets humiliated by Law and Kid...and didn't do any damage to anyone.
Supports Kid ? Gets one shot alongside his first mate by a rat.
He is supporting Luffy today (probably because he thinks it's the safest bet); I would start worrying if I were you Luffybros, I'm starting to wonder if he finishes the series or dies midway :suresure:



Is Zoro delusional to think he didn't win?
Is Lucci delusional to say nothing about losing ?
Are they both drunk to not claim any win or Loss?

Come debate against Zoro's own words and prove that Lucci was koed and beaten

@sanjikun @Hades @wanji
Then debate Jinbei words that says he won and it was over.

I'm not buying any of those words. It wasn't over and he didn't one shotted. I have no problem admitting that.