Speculations Punk Records is a Communications Satellite that Vegapunk will launch into Space to announce the truth of the world

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Vegapunk's clones are named Satellites.

Egghead is full of rocket imagery, and is indirectly connected to Enel and his ancient tech stuff on the moon.

If Vegapunk wanted to communicate to the entire world, the easiest way would be a satellite IMO.


"A communications satellite is an artificial satellite that relays and amplifies radio telecommunication signals via a transponder; it creates a communication channel between a source transmitter and a receiver at different locations on Earth."

Notice the "via a transponder" section? What are Den Den Mushi? Transponder Snails. Vegapunk would need serious power to amplify this signal across the entire world.

"Take a gander at the top of the island, notice how it says... "Punk Records! under the giant egg?! That's the hangar where I keep my brain!"

Hangar, hmmmm? Would love to see a translation of the RAWs for this to see what word is used in the original Japanese.

Vegapunk knew that if he broadcast his theory, he would be killed, and Egghead would be destroyed like Ohara was. So, where can he put the broadcast, that the World Government LITERALLY COULD NOT STOP IT no matter how much they tried?


The Gorosei can blow up Egghead, the message will already be amongst the stars.

Vegapunk's dream was to more or less create the internet. He wanted Punk Records to be a database that everyone could interact with and store information on freely. The solution is to make a Satellite anyone can connect to via Den Den Mushi. His clones will be able to survive this way, their communal brain safely in space.

The sad news is those snails are now going to be in grave danger...

Still, this is genius by Vegapunk and Oda. The flaw of Ohara is the flaw of all of history: how do you keep the powerful from destroying information?

Vegapunk's solution was to simply put the information where the World Government can't get it; space. Like, seriously. What the fuck are they going to do? Shout at the sky?

Vegapunk's brain, Punk Records, will become a Satellite that orbits the world, a constant source of growing information created in honor of Ohara.

A true, living Tree of Knowledge.

The Will of Ohara lives on​


Nah. If a comms sat was part of the plan, the rocket placing it in orbit would've taken off before the start of the message. Where we're now, it's clear the feed is coming from the labs on the island, which I don't see being relocated mid-stream.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Nah. If a comms sat was part of the plan, the rocket placing it in orbit would've taken off before the start of the message. Where we're now, it's clear the feed is coming from the labs on the island, which I don't see being relocated mid-stream.
This is the dude who didn't tell Bonney she could control all of the Terminators on the island that look like her Dad, and waited until all of the Pacifista were about to blow her up with lasers to let her know.

What would Oda do here?

Launch the satellite early, which makes sense?

Or launch it now, at the arc's climax, to make it look cool?

If I'm right, Oda delayed it until now for the "hype" of the arc ending with a rocket launching into space.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Gear 5 was bad enough with the Rubber Condom Jesus shit, when we go to space and Imu is confirmed an Alien there's going to be so much Naruto-based shit-posting, and, honestly...

If Naturo fans want to shit on One Piece after how much shit Naruto got for pulling that, FINE BY ME LOL

Japan literally altered the way I write prophecy characters because I can't handle this crap anymore lol.


This is the dude who didn't tell Bonney she could control all of the Terminators on the island that look like her Dad, and waited until all of the Pacifista were about to blow her up with lasers to let her know.

What would Oda do here?

Launch the satellite early, which makes sense?

Or launch it now, at the arc's climax, to make it look cool?

If I'm right, Oda delayed it until now for the "hype" of the arc ending with a rocket launching into space.
True, I am being rational.

Still, I don't expect a satellite.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
True, I am being rational.

Still, I don't expect a satellite.
This is why analyzing this series is so hard, lol. One Piece does try to follow its own rules most of the time, and is pretty good about not contradicting itself, but the series is so goofy that trying to apply logic to the narrative is so damn tricky. Sometimes Oda is very logical, sometimes he just isn't.

I was trying to think of "where could Vegapunk broadcast this from where the Gorosei couldn't possibly stop it?"

Unless we get Saturn Beyblading through space, LOL.